She's Back! (Ch. 33)

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I'm never going down,

i'm never giving up,

i'm never gonna leave,

so put your hands up.

Say You Like Me, We The Kings


Maya woke up. She rubbed her eyes and arched her back, stretching. She cracked her knuckles and sat up. Then she realized.

She has work today.

In the morning.

An early shift.

"Shit!" Maya shouted, then covered her mouth.

"What? What happened?!" Colton asked, panicking.

He put his hands on her shoulders. "I have work today. An early shift!" Maya yelled.

Colton dropped his hands and gave her a disappointed look. "You got me worried, Maya.. Don't scare me like that!"

"Sorry, I just don't want to lose this job. I never had one in a couple years. I got promoted, so I need to do my best. What time is it?"

Colton looked at his alarm clock. "4:33 AM..."

"Oh... Then we have no worries. For now." Maya said. She lay down and Colton stayed sitting up. He looked down at her. She pulled the blanket over her so only her eyes were peeking up at him. He smirked and looked at the wall. He ran his hands through his hair.

"We should go out right now."

"Why? I'm so tired."

"You know how magical it is to get up super early in the morning before the sun rises? I know how much you hate the sun." Colton questioned.

"What do you have in mind?"

"We go out, maybe for some Starbucks. Then a little snack from there. Maybe a croissant," Colton listed. "Hang out at the park, and maybe kiss while the sun rises."

"That last one seems so dramatic. Besides that, sure. Sounds like a plan." Maya nodded. He grinned.

"Go get into some new clothes. You can wear my heavy sweater. It's super warm." Colton said then got out of the bed. He opened up his closet and threw her the sweater.

He took off his pajama pants and took out a pair of black jeans. He put them on and Maya finally got out of bed, holding his hoodie.

"I'm gonna ask Kendal for a shirt." Maya whispered.

"I bet she's asleep. Just borrow one of my shirts."

He zipped up his zipper and stepped aside, walking to the bathroom. She put on a plain black t-shirt.

They brushed their teeth and drove to Starbucks. There was no one there but the employees getting ready for the day.

They ordered hot beverages and a croissant for each of them. Colton sat in front of Maya humming to a song as he ripped a part of his croissant.

Maya sipped her coffee and smiled at him. He looked up at her, his lips pursed as he prepared to put a piece in his mouth.

"I forgot to say good morning." Colton started. "Good morning, lemon."

"Good morning."

"What time do you have to be at work?"

"8:30." Maya replied.

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