Dizzy and Tired (Ch. 32)

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Cause when i'm attacking,

your nails are scratching,

so I wonder could it be?

That when your clothes fall to your feet,

you can be an animal like me.

Animal, The Cab


A/N: Real quick, I think that song to the side fits Colton really well. Um, before he met Maya. Cx Enjoy the chapter!


Kendal bit her lip with a smile. "Does Tray really like me?"

"Kendal," Maya pressed, "he's a bad guy."

"That's what you said about Colton."

"Yeah, but Colton actually fell in love."

"What if Tray fell in love?"

"You're a beautiful girl. He's going to play you."

Colton came in. He sat on the floor next to Maya. "Guess who has a job at the Irvine Spectrum?"

"Oh, sweet! What do you do?" Maya asked.

"Just going to play guitar there." Colton shrugged.

"Does Tray like me?" Kendal interrupted.

"Excuse me, but I just got a job and you're worrying about that douchebag." Colton rolled his eyes.

"I'm asking you a question, not asking you to insult him." Kendal growled.

"He's out right now at this second, maybe banging someone," Colton said. Kendal lowered her eyes, "He texted me earlier about a college student that he was going to see at this time."

"Maybe it was a guy and it was a tutor?" Kendal asked hopefully.

Colton shook his head. "Sorry to break it to you, but he texted me details. Girly, brunette, busty, average sized girl." Kendal groaned. "Ken, he's a bad guy. If he liked you, he wouldn't do that."

"Just like what you did with Maya?" Kendal asked.

Maya felt herself jealous for a second about Britt, but she let it go. Colton nodded, "Yeah. I guess. I mean, since I was in love I decided not to do any of it until I was actually ready. Sis, I lost my virginity at..." he tried to remember. "Fifteen? Look, the whole moral is that we want you to actually fall in love and loose your virginity to someone that you want to spend the rest of your life with."

"I can't believe you! You've changed into such an honest, loyal, and hard working guy." Maya squealed. She pinched one of his cheeks and Colton pushed her hand away.

"Don't touch me. I'm precious." Colton smirked.

"Says the guy who kisses me like 24/7." Maya snickered.

"But I thought Tray liked me!" Kendal yelled.

"Love can be... Interesting. Tray wants you because of your body. He's not like me, Kendal. He's probably going to get aids." Colton said and put his arm around Maya.

"Look at you two," Kendal started, raising her voice. She gestured at them. "You guys are in love! Why cant I have that?"

"Love is precious. It's a value. So you don't always get it when you want." Maya said.

Kendal nodded after a long silence. "You're right."

 "He's an idiot, sis. Never fall over his spell." Colton said with a sad smile. Maya nodded in agreement.

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