Scary Fudge Pops (Ch. 37)

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"It's melting. I'm not letting this baby go to waste."

-Colton Adams


I think you're texting the wrong person. -Maya

I'm not. This is Maya Storm, right? -Daniel.

No. -Maya.

Yeah, it is. I still have you down as a contact. -Daniel.

Why are you texting me? Too much of a pussy to actually hear my voice? -Maya

Do you want me to call you? -Daniel

No. I just wanted to call you a pussy. -Maya

That's funny. How have you been? -Daniel

Since when do you start texting me? I thought you were busy sleeping with 50 girls. -Maya

I just felt like it. -Daniel

"Who you texting?" Kendal asked.

"Daniel." Maya whispered.

"You just said he was a-" Raya started.

"Shhh." Maya whispered as she wrote back to Daniel.

This is about Malory? -Maya

She made me sleep with her! -Daniel

You're full of shit. I know you, Daniel. And I know how much of a liar you can be. -Maya

I'm not lying! Ask her! -Daniel

Too bad. I'm not speaking to that bitch again. I don't give a damn about you, but I gave a damn about her. Not anymore because I warned her about you. Go fuck yourself. -Maya

Damn, Maya... -Daniel

"Maya?" Colton shouted.


"Come here!"

It sounded like something was wrong. Maya locked her phone and slowly started walking into the kitchen. Once she stepped in the kitchen, Colton popped out from the side.

"Boo," he yelled. Maya screamed. He grinned. "I got you a fudge pop."

He held out the fudge pop and had his own in his other hand. Maya put her hand over her chest. "You scared the shit out of me..."

"Sorry, I thought it was funny. You gonna take the fudge pop? If you don't want it, i'll have it." Colton said.

Maya snatched the pop out of his hand and he chuckled. Maya sat on the couch, Colton following her. Kendal and Raya sat on on the other side of the couch, watching them.

"You guys seemed pretty quiet over there." Colton said, then licked his fudge pop.

Maya handed her phone and he stopped licking. He looked at the phone and took it from her. He cracked the pass code and looked through the texts.

"You were texting this guy?" Colton asked, his voice beginning to fill with rage.

"He texted me first. I had to reply because he would bother me for such a long time." Maya shrugged.

Colton stared at her, then back at the phone. "That fucker..." Colton mumbled so Sandra couldn't hear from her office, which was just down the hall.

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