Surprise, Surprise! (Ch. 8)

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Colton pursed his lips. "I knew you would say that."

"Course." Maya let out cheeky smile. Colton looked at the ground, smiling, then he looked up at her with that look. His smirk got bigger, and Maya kept her eyes on it. He was so... adorable. Maya looked away, trying not to get lost in his eyes.

She started playing the chords to "If I Die Young" by The Band Perry. "Sounds familiar."


"No, let me guess."

There was a silence as Maya got to the first verse. She started humming the tune as she played, and Colton nodded his head in beat.

"If I Die Young, bury me in satin. Lay me down, on a bed of roses, sink me in a river. At Dawn. Send me away with the words of a love song." Colton sang when Maya got to the chorus, and she grinned. He had a wonderful voice. Maya stopped playing after the first chorus.

"How do you know this song?" Maya asked.

"My mom used to sing it. I mean, now that she's gone..." Colton paused. He opened his mouth, but no words came out.

"I'm sorry." Is all that Maya could say.

Colton nodded. "Well, she did die young." He spit out. "For a woman whose only in her forties, she really didn't deserve something like that at such a young age. I mean, she's our mom. My mom."

"How many years has it been?" Maya asked.

Colton paused. "I don't feel like talking about it," he looked at the clock on his wall next to a record of The Beatles: Sergeant Pepper. "Wow, it's 5:00."

"That felt like it was 20 minutes."

"It's because you enjoyed being with me." he smirked. Maya frowned. "Want something to eat? Drink?"

"I guess i'm a little hungry." Maya nodded.

"Great, so you're starved. Our home is your home. Just not my room." Colton got up and place his guitar on the wall. He jumped off the bed, making a large thump. "Come."

They walked out of his room and trotted downstairs. Colton ran up to the freezer. He opened it and searched for something as if it would be diamonds in Minecraft. He looked up with a mad look on his face. "Kendal!"

"What?" Kendal yelled from a distance.

"Where are the fudge pops?" Colton asked. Maya rolled her eyes and sat on the bar, staring at him with her arm holding up her head.

"I put the in the other freezer so your dirty hands wouldn't get on them!" Kendal called out.

"You're a bitch!" Colton yelled sweetly, but loudly. He closed the freezer with his foot and shoved both of his hands in his pockets. He gestured to the door. "Follow."

Maya got up and followed him. He opened the garage door and there was a large fridge in a corner. He opened the freezer and there was a box of fudge pops. "Want one?"

"Sure. As long as you don't call me a bitch and kill me." Maya said, leaning against the fridge part.

Colton handed her the fudge pop, and got himself one. She opened it up and he snapped his head toward her. Maya froze and Colton got close to her. He bent down and bit on the side of the pop, then lifted his head up again. "I was just checking to see if it was still good. It's spectacular." Colton smirked.

Maya pushed him. "You're so gross."

"Says the girl who dissected a frog in biology and handed the arm to the girl next to her." Colton said, then pit into his fudge pop.

"How do you know about that?" Maya asked.

"Britt is in that class. She tells me everything about you." Colton admitted, and they walked and talked out of the garage.

"So she's one of those..." Maya said, then avoided the piece that Colton bit off of.

"A gossiper? Oh, those are everywhere." Colton said.

"It's not surprising. That's what high school is." Maya replied.

Colton nodded. "Well, our generation is fucked up in general." The front door slammed. "It's probably my dad. My step mom works until 9."

Maya slowly walked to the bar and sat down. She stared at Colton as he was getting to the stick of his fudge pop, and some on his chin and nose.

"Oh, Colton!!! Guess what day it is!" said a familiar voice. Colton froze, then shot his head toward Maya. She raised her eyebrow.

"Surprise!" Britt screamed as she ran to him, still not realizing Maya was sitting right there. She hugged him tightly, and Colton's eyes widened.

"Is she wearing a freaking bra?!" Colton thought, feeling violated. "For what?"

"What do you mean? It's my birthday!" Britt squealed.

"Oh... Yeah, I knew that. I was just joking." Colton lied. Maya leaned forward, enjoying what she was seeing. Her boyfriend forgetting it's her birthday, while he's hanging out with someone else? Priceless!

"I know, I know. You're a such a jokester! So, what's my present?" Britt asked.

"I have it.. I just don't want to give it to you just yet." Colton forced a smile.

"Oh, well why don't you just give it to me now?" Britt asked. Colton licked his fudge pop, which was melting. "And I mean give it to me, babe."

Colton's eyes widened, and Maya chuckled quietly. Kendal came downstairs. "Will you guys get a room or something?"

"Kendal, come on." Colton said, giving her a look.

Kendal gave Britt a look. "Girl, are you wearing a bra?"

"Oh my god, Kendal! Just go away! You're too young to understand love. And you shouldn't talk to  the birthday girl like that." Britt said, still staring into Colton's dark eyes.

"Britt, i'm a year younger than you." Kendal said, crossing her arms. "You were 16 yesterday and 17 today. It doesn't make a difference."

Britt started preschool early, so she just turned 17, while Colton and Maya were already 17. But Britt looked older than her age.

"This is why I like you, Kendal." Maya snickered. Britt shot her head at her.

"Why are you here?!" Britt yelled, pulling away from Colton, allowing him to finish his fudge pop.

"I'm hanging out with Kendal." Maya lied, gesturing to Kendal. Kendal knew what she was doing.

"Thank you!" Colton mouthed at Maya.

"Then why are you down here?" Britt asked.

"Does it hurt to grab a fudge pop?" Maya asked. Britt groaned.

"Come on, Maya. Let's leave these who whores alone. I was talking about Britt only. You know she's two faced?"  Kendal said, taking her arm.

Maya bursed out laughing at that, and Colton held back his laughter. "You're just jealous." Britt waved off.

"Jealous of you dating my brother? Sweetie, I don't think you're getting the point. Dating my brother is wrong, and he's disgusting. The reason is, is that you're just a greedy little bitch who hogs boys for living." Kendal said as they walked upstairs. Maya still couldn't stop laughing. She loved that girl.

Britt groaned and looked at Colton. "So where were we?"

"About to talk about you not barging into my home." Colton said, putting the popsicle stick in his mouth.

Britt laughed. "You're so funny, babe."

"I'm serious." Colton said with a disappointed look.

Britt's smile fell.


A/N: Lol!!! ;D

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