Barbie (Ch. 15)

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I'm a stupid girl

with a stupid crush.


"Oh, hey, Britt." Colton said.

"Hey!" Britt squealed, then ran in and hugged him.

"It's 6:00, Britt. Don't you have that meeting with your friends?" Colton asked.

"I cancelled it to come see you," Britt walked past him and started going upstairs. "I mean, it's like you're avoiding me, babe."

Colton shrugged and closed the door with his foot. He followed her upstairs. When he turned the corner, she hugged him tightly, then gave him a big, long, loud peck on the lips.

"Tell me what's wrong. I can bring out nurse Brittany." she winked. Colton bit his lip and pushed her away gently. He leaned against the wall and closed his eyes.

"I'm not in the mood." Colton whispered.

"Babe! You're always in the mood! Tell me what's up!" she demanded. "Tell me, tell me, tell me!"

Maya walked out of Kendal's room and stared at them. "Colton's a little too old for a barbie doll."

Britt snapped her head toward Colton. "You invited this bitch? Is this why you've been ignoring me?"

"Again, she's friends with Kendal. Not me." Colton lied.

"Don't get too jealous, barbie. With that mouth, you'll be on the streets in no time." Maya said, nodding. Britt growled. Maya looked at Colton. "I'm going for a fudge pop."

"Hell no!" Colton yelled, and Maya started running downstairs. She ran toward the garage and opened the door. She closed it right away before Colton could get in, then ran to the fridge. She opened the freezer and then the box. She took one and Colton opened the door. She quickly opened the wrapper, but Colton ran over and snatched it out of her hands, taking the first bite.

"Prick." Maya said.

He looked at her, pausing his lips on the pop. He took his lips off it and handed it to her. "It's all yours, lemon."

She gave him a frown, then took it. She put it in her mouth. "My territory, bitch." she said. He grinned, looking down at her.

"Lemon, fudge pops are my life. And I planted my mouth on that fudge pop. Do you understand what that means?" he asked. She stayed silent. "It means it was mine first. And it also means that techincally, we kissed."

"You're gross." Maya said, then put her head against the fridge. His grin turned into a smirk.

"It seems like i've known you for forever." he breathed.

"I guess. I mean, we're already "kissing"." Maya said, then used her free hand to do the quotes.

"I guess so." he grinned again. A second later, his grin fell. He moved his head closer to hers by a centimeter. "Stop blushing, lemon. You're making me nervous."

Maya put her hand on one of her cheeks, still staring at him. "Never break eye contact with your prey."

"Oh, so you're gonna eat me, now? Sound's good to me." Colton winked.

"Again," Maya started. "Gross."

Britt walked in. "Colton! Why are you standing so close to her?"

Colton took a step back and looked at Britt. "Giving her a lecture on not trying to steal my fudge pops." he replied.

"Because i'm your only pop around." Britt said, then wrapped her arms around his neck.

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