Stop Being So Attractive (Ch. 12)

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"Ight, fine. You can have one." Colton said, then threw her a red jellybean. Maya caught it and put it in her mouth. They were in Colton's room. He was laying on his bed with his acoustic in his lap while he took over a pack of jellybeans. Maya was sitting in the chair in front of his desk.

"So what was your excuse for Britt?" Maya asked as she chewed.

Colton stopped picking from the bag of jellybeans and strummed a G on the guitar. "I told her I had family over. She asked why she couldn't see my family. I said because she was too pretty for them, they wouldn't believe that I was dating her. She believed it."

"What a high self-esteemed ass." Maya scoffed, then lay her head back.

"Her parents bought her a new car." Colton said, looking over at her. Maya's head shot up.

"What kind?"

"A pink Toyota Prius." Colton rolled his eyes.

"Pink? Jesus, this kid is crazy!"

"A bright, bright pink. Some kind of hot pink... It was custom painted," Colton added, "Britt is rich."

"Like I haven't noticed." Maya said, then opened his laptop. Colton's e-mail popped up.

E-mails from Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, and other social media sites were spamming his mail.

"Can you not be all up in my shit?" Colton asked.

"I was just gonna go on YouTube. Calm your man titties." Maya rolled her eyes and exited the mail. She searched for YouTube.

"What are you looking at, anyway?" Colton asked, putting his guitar aside. He got up and stood next to her as he took a glance at the screen.

"I'm looking up how to play "Little Talks"." Maya replies, staring at the screen. He looked down at her with a stupid look.

"Then why couldn't you ask me to teach you? It's not like i'm not capable of doing it. I taught you how to play that one shitty Katy Perry song, remember?" Colton reminded.

"It's not a shitty song. And I just didn't want it to be awkward like the last time." Maya shrugged.

Colton smirked. "And what's that supposed to mean?"

Maya pushed him. "Don't even."

He laughed darkly and walked to his bed and picked up his acoustic. "C'mon, grab a guitar."

Maya rolled her eyes and shut the laptop. She hopped on his bed and picked a white guitar from his wall. She plopped back down and sat next to him. He searched the fretboard, his fingers dancing in different areas of the strings.

He played a chord and grinned. "Aha," he cheered, "Okay, so the first chord is A minor."

He played it again and Maya followed. "You're so calm and serious when you're teaching."

"What do you expect?" Colton asked, giving her a look of stupidity again. "It's called focus."

Maya bit her lip and shook her head. She just didn't want it to be awkward because of the kiss they shared last night. She wanted to avoid that thought.

"That's what I thought," Colton said, then strummed and F. "F chord."

Maya followed. "Now C." She played. "Finally, G."

He added up all the chords and strummed in a fluent way. Then he sang when he got to the chorus.

"Don't listen to a word I say, hey! The screams all sound the same, hey! Though the truth may vary this, ship will carry our, bodies safe to shore." He sang. Maya was so lost in his voice, it was so sweet, and so beautiful. He snapped his fingers in front of her. "Earth to Maya!"

Maya blinked and met his gaze. "W-what?"

"Can you play that for me?" Colton asked.

"Uh, sure." Maya nodded, then did what he did, just no singing.

"Why don't you sing?" Colton interrupted, and Maya stopped when she heard his voice.

"My voice cracks and it's just horrible." Maya shrugged, avoiding his eyes.

Colton studied her for a second. "All right, lemon. Being shy won't get you anywhere."

"Good." Maya said, then started playing again.

 Maya finished and Colton smiled. "You see, it's not that bad to have me teach you stuff."

Maya's stomach got butterflies from his smile and voice. "I guess."

Colton put his guitar on his bed and lay against the bed, his arms behind his neck and his eyes closed. He licked his lips and he cracked his knuckles from behind. "Just stop being so attractive, Colton..." Maya thought.

He turned his head to her, his eyes halfway opened. "Can't help but stare, lemon?"

Maya looked away and shook her head. "You're so full of it."

"Full of quality? Indeed." Colton smirked.

"Stop flattering yourself." Maya said.

There was a silence. Colton reached for Maya and took one of her hands that was propping her up. She turned to him quickly. She didn't pull away. She kept it in his hand. He just glued his gaze on her. His thumb stroked the top of her hand gently, then a big boom ruined the moment. Maya pulled her hand away quickly and looked at who interrupted the beautiful moment.

"Oh, did you break up with Britt?" Kendal asked.

"Why did you just barge into my room like that?" Colton asked.

"Answer my question, and i'll answer yours."  Kendal ordered.

Colton sighed. "Nope."

"Then what the hell was the hand holding? It looked like something was gonna happen. Man, i'm glad I came in at the correct time." Kendal chuckled.

"What do you want?" Colton asked.

"I need your laptop. I gotta write this one essay that i'm doing last minute. Holy crap, Mrs. Marline will kill me!" Kendal said, giving him a stormy look. She took the laptop and walked out.

Colton shot his eyes back at Maya. "Why'd you pull your hand away?"

"Because I didn't want Kendal to take it the wrong way."

"It's not like we're dating. Come on, Maya. Have some common sense. We met like two weeks ago." Colton scoffed.

"Right. Two weeks ago and yesterday you kissed me." Maya thought.


A/N: It's 11:30 at night and tomorrow is Monday. EW. School should burn down.

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