Crying for Colton (Ch. 13)

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A/N: If you're confused, Raya is pronounced (Ray-uh)

The next day was Sunday. Maya ran downstairs, about to go hang out with Kendal and Raya.

"Maya?" her mom called.

"Yeah?" Maya replied, walking into the kitchen.

"Are you going out?"

"Yeah, want me to get you something?"

"No, sweetie. Actually I just wanted to tell you that you should probably get a job someday. I mean, don't you think it's time?" her mom asked.

"I mean, I guess I could. It's just... Remember that one job I had at that surf shop? I got fired because I sassed my co-worker."

"Maya, just trust me. It gets easy. Everyone's  first job is tough. You'll get through it." her mom assured. Maya gave her a sheepish smile and nodded.

"So you're mom wants you to get a job?" Kendal asked. They were walking down the mall, passing shop by shop.

"Yep. I think i'm ready, though. I mean, it's been two years." Maya said.

"I know a store that needs an extra worker around here!" Raya squealed. She took their hands and started running.

She stopped in front of a Victoria's Secret store. Maya started to walk inside. Loud music played, bright lingerie clothing were covering the store, rows, tables, and drawers filled the place, bright pink and white walls and every girly thing you can think of. Maya shook her head.

"No, no. I'm not working here. I have to wear... Pink..." Maya scoffed.

"It's not that bad." Raya said. "I'll work with you."

"Really? You'd actually do that?"

"I mean, sure. I need a job anyway." Raya shrugged.

"You're the best." Maya sighed.

"There's no way i'm working here." Kendal said.

"It's not surprising." Maya said, then a lady walked up to them. 

"How may I help you ladies?" she asked.

"Me and my friend are here to apply for a job. Can we talk to the manager?" Maya asked.

"You're speaking to her. Follow me, i'll get you guys some forms and i'll ask you guys some questions." she said, then they followed her into the back room. The back room was kinda like the shop, but had boxes full of woman's clothing. "So what are your names?"

"I'm Raya, and that's Maya." Raya said.

"I'm Kimberly. Now i'd like you girls to sign these forms, then after i'll ask you a couple questions." Kimberly said.

After the whole interview and forms, she accepted them. It was really that easy? "You two start tomorrow. Here are your schedules. You swipe them here, and you're on duty." Kimberly said, then showed then the swipe tool.

After a long day of shopping and talking, Maya drove the girls home.

"Oh, Maya, Colton wants to hang out with you after you drop me off." Kendal said.

"Ooooh, are you two hiding something?" Raya asked, then hit Maya's arm.

"No. He's probably gonna do something stupid. By the way, tell him I can't tonight. Me and my mom are gonna hang out, watch some movies. Maybe have a little mommy daughter time.  She promised me a week ago." Maya smiled.

"Okay, i'll tell him. But I have to say that you're right about the whole 'he's probably gonna do something stupid' idea." Kendal said.

After she dropped the two off, she started to drive to her house. It was getting dark and the girls spent the whole day together. "5:30." Maya whispered to herself.

She parked the car and saw a car in front of their house. She shrugged and walked in her house. A man in a fancy white button down and pants with slicked back hair was standing next to the door. Who the hell was he?

Her mom came downstairs. "Sorry it took so long." She was wearing a red dress and makeup. Her hair was curled and she had black high heels.

"Mom.. What's going on?" Maya asked.

Her mom's eyes widened. "Maya, this is Jackson... Jackson, this is my daughter, Maya."

"Pleasure to meet you." Jackson said, then reached out his hand to shake. Maya looked at his hand with a disgusted face, then at her mom.

"Why didn't you tell me about him! You promised that we would have a mother and daughter date night! Not have a mother lies to her daughter and goes out with a fancy, stuck up man night!" Maya yelled.

"Maya Storm! Do not talk to him that way! Go to your room and think about what you just said!" Her mom yelled back.

"No, why don't you get rid of this loser and start visiting dad's grave often, maybe more than I do?" Maya screamed.

"Your father is dead, meaning I have to move on! Can't you see i'm happy this way?" Her mom yelled.

"God, now I just wish you never gave birth to me! How could you say that?!" Maya screamed, tears finally falling down her cheeks.

Maya pushed toward Jackson and her mother and ran out the door to her car. She got in and started driving, her vision blurry from the tears. 

She safely made it to Colton's house. She knocked the door and Kendal answered.

"What's wrong?" Kendal asked.

"Let me talk to Colton." Maya ordered.

"He's up in his room. When you're done, talk to me later." Kendal said, then patted her back. Maya ran upstairs and knocked on Colton's door.

Colton opened it and stared at her. He didn't say anything. He took her hand and pulled her into his room. He shut the door, the took another look at her. Another tear fell from her face. There's no way that she would even try sobbing in front of this guy. He wiped it with his thumb and hugged her.

"Let it out, lemon." Colton said, and Maya began sobbing. "Never thought I would see someone as tough as you cry."

"My mom. She-"

"Tell me later after you're done soaking my shirt." Colton joked.


A/N: Hope you liked it. c; How would you react in his situation??

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