Rumors (Ch. 19)

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A/N: For our performance in video production, we got 3 out of 20. o_o


She's pretending nothing is wrong,

as usual?


When Maya stepped onto school campus, many people in her grade stared at her. Was it her hair? Her clothes? She speed walked to her locker while eyes were still following her. She opened her locker, threw the textbooks in, and slammed the locker shut, startling a few people around her. When she turned around, she bumped into her companion.

"Is it really true?" Raya asked.

"W-what?" Maya stuttered.

Raya hesitated to talk, so she grabbed Maya's wrist and pulled her into a janitor's supply closet. "Is it true that you slept with him?"

"With who?!" Maya asked, her voice suddenly rising.

"Colton." Raya replied. Maya's mind went blank when she said his name. How'd that happen?

"I would never do that!" Maya yelled.

"Why is everyone saying it? Did you do something with him last night?" Raya asked.

"All we did was go to the cinema to see a shitty movie. Damn it, Raya!" Maya yelled even louder. Raya put her hand over Maya's mouth.

"You're not being yourself." Raya whispered.

Maya slapped her hand away. "If course I'm not myself! A rumor was spread around about me!"

"Maya I really don't know who-"

"Don't even talk to me." Maya interrupted, then walked out of the closet. A guy standing next to the door with his friends looked over at Maya.

"Whose the lucky guy in the janitor's closet?" he asked.

Maya wanted to punch him in the face. But she avoided violence at this point. If it got any worse, she would be beating up everyone in the whole school in a half second. The bell rang and Maya went to her first class. She didn't pay any attention to Raya who was sitting next to her, or Colton who was across the room. But she never looked at him, meaning she never saw him that day so far.

During lunch, people would be whispering or staring. In third period she even heard someone talking behind her to another person saying some vile things about her, like she's slept with every guy in the school already.

Maya threw her bag on the ground and her binder on the table. She chucked her lunch on top of her binder, and took up the whole bench with her legs. Then she saw Colton. She wanted to avoid him, but he was walking toward her. Oh, hell no. Maya got up and grabbed his shirt by the collar, and pushed him against the pole, his head swinging into it first.

"Ow, Maya!" Colton yelled.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Maya yelled.

That created a small scene.

"What do you mean?" Colton asked.

"I did not sleep with you, and that will never happen!"

"I didn't say that, though!"

"Then who did? Who else would get that stupid idea?"

Then there was a large scene.

"All I did was tell Britt about what happened, we broke up and that's all that went down!" Colton explained as fast as he could, you could barley hear what he was saying.

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