She Looks At Me And Says, "Really Baby, I Will Be Just Fine."

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"What?" I asked, pushing away from him.

"Baby, please don't get upset. I couldn't tell you when we were broken up, you could've cared less, and today was so amazing, I didn't want to ruin it. I understand if you're mad, I just-" He started.

"I'm not upset," I cut him off.

He looked taken aback, and a little hurt. I, personally, on the inside, was curling up into my black hole with a sigh above it that said, 'Do not disturb. Chris is on tour.' I wanted to cry, and not the cute, few tears run down the cheak cry. No. Ugly cry. Sob so hard it sounds like a dying walrus, but not now, not in front of him.

I was so busy trying not to cry that I didn't realize those brown orbs of his were piercing into mine. I looked down. "Did you just lie to me?"

"No," I said, looking down.

"Kari Lynn, look at me," he said but I ignored him. "Now," he demanded. My head shot up. "You don't have to lie to me baby."

I wanted my mind off of this subject, it needed to go away. I turned my body towards Chris's and looked down at him, considering he was still laying on the bed, and gave him my most seductive look

I giggled slightly at the look that came across his face. Shock. He wasn't expecting this, and I enjoyed it too much.

"Can we not talk about this anymore?" I asked, my voice as seductive as my look.

He rose a perfect, drawn on eyebrow and his look turned sexy. "What do you want to talk about?"

I rose my stocking-ed leg over him and crawled on top, straddling his lap. "We don't need to talk at all." 

"Oh really?" He questioned. I nodded and brought my lips down to his as his hands went to my hips. His lips pushed against mine hard and he rolled me over so he was on top. His lips ripped away from mine and I felt naked. "We shouldn't do this."

I brought my lips back up to his softly. "I need this."


"I have to leave in less than six hours, I'm exhausted, and nothing is packed," Chris said as we both layed naked in his bed.

I groaned. "Don't remind me."

 He slowly pulled himself away from me and got out of bed, grabbing a pair of boxers and putting them on. "I need to pack."

"Do you want me to help?" I asked, sitting up, holding his black sheet around me.

"You can sleep baby," he said, pulling his suitcases out from the closet. I shook my head.

"I'm helping." I grabbed his shirt from the side of the bed and pulled it on, along with my panties.

He started to pull things out of his closet and handing them to me. I would fold them and put them in his suitcases. He handed me his 'Beverly Hills 666' Black Craft Cult shirt, and I hid it.

"I want that one," he said, raising an eyebrow at me. I shook my head.

"I want it though."

"Baby, come on, you can take any of my other shirts," he said then stopped. "But only a few. I know you still have some of them."

I giggled and put the shirt in his suitcase and continued packing.

After a span of time, I'm not sure how long, we finished packing. I zipped up his last suitcase and looked up at him.

"So," I started, looking at my phone. "When are you leaving?"

"Eight," he said, almost looking apologetic. It was four in the morning.

"Where are you going?" I asked. I usually asked these things right after he told me, but I was almost in denial that he was leaving at all.

"The UK," he answered, sitting on the floor with me.

I bobbed my head, looking down at my hands and mumbled a hoarse, "Oh."

"Baby," his words were almost unsure. I looked up at him from where I was staring at my hands. "I love you."

"I love you too," I said, my voice cracking slightly. I was not gonna cry. Not right now.

"You okay?" He asked, looking at me with those beautiful eyes of his. It felt like he was trying to look into my soul.

"I'm fine," I responded, putting on my best fake smile. He looked down at his coffin ring and started twisting it.

"Number one lie women tell," he whispered. "Kari, please tell me the truth."

"I am telling you the truth Chris, I'm okay. It's just something you have to do for your job," I said, half-honestly.

I knew I was gonna be okay, but I knew I was gonna miss him more than anything in the entire world, and I would be a blubbering mess while he was gone. But it was his job, it was his life. I couldn't be selfish. I just couldn't.  His fans were everything to him, they were his happiness, and who was I to make him feel bad about his happiness?

He scooted closer to me and put a hand on my cheek, just like he always did when he was gonna kiss me. And that's exactly what he did. It was one of his soft, sweet kisses that made me knees go weak even though I wasn't standing. "Just remember, when I come home, I'm coming home to you."

He kissed me again, and I almost broke down right there.

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