Episode 20: Chaotic Visions

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Episode 20: Chaotic Visions

            Zachariah Summers tossed around from his nightly vision. Dark fire incased him, draining him of his reality and sanity. He could hear the thousand screams of a thousand people, calling for their savior. He turned; seeing Prince Dycoon, being chained up against a religious stonewalls, fighting for his very life. Then he saw the Princess, standing on a cliff that led to the open seas. She folded her hands to pray when all of a sudden a chaotic presence incased in armor appeared before her, hovering over the seas. With his mighty dark red blade, he brought down the cliff with one devastating swoop. The Princess unfolded her hands and turned around, looking into the red eyes of Zac before falling as her rainbow ponytail unraveled. Heavy winds pressed against her body as her rainbow hair danced until she crashed into her demise.

            “NO!” he gasped, jumping up from his desk. Zac looked around seeing that he must have dosed off in his English class.

            “Mr. Summers is there a problem?” asked Mrs. Wing as the class gasped. Both Angela and Jenna slid down into their seats from embarrassment.

            “No…no problem,” he said, sitting back down.

            “Not a good way to start off your junior year Mr. Summers,” she said.

            Soon after the bell rung and everyone stormed out for freedom, Zac headed for his locker only to be ambush by Jenna and his sister Angela.

            “What the hell were you thinking? Out of all the teachers in the world you had to sleep in Mrs. Wings’ class?” asked Angela.

            “Dude, even I wouldn’t cross that line,” said Jenna.

            “I was up all night,” he said while trying to open his locker when Travis popped over and asked,

            “Please tell me you did not dose off in Mrs. Wings class?”

            “The hell? You heard already?” asked Zac looking at Travis

            “Are you serious? It’s flying all around school. ‘The guy who slept in Mrs. Wings’ class and lived to tell about it,’” dramatized Travis

            “What’s going on?” asked Trista approaching them.

            “Zac fell asleep in Mrs. Wings’ class,” explained Angela.

            “Do you like have a death wish of something?” she asked.

            “Look, I just have a bad feeling that something is gonna happen…something soon,” said Zac, shutting his locker.

            Deep within another dimension called the Aurora Galaxy, lays the beautiful planet called Th’rial. Within the castle of Crystal Tower, Aureka stood awake, looking out the window and staring at the two moons.

            “Princess?” said Prince Dycoon, walking in. “There you are. You must get some rest.”

            “This…this battle is far from over…” she said as night quickly turned to morning as the two moons disappeared and the two planets that brighten up Th’rial appear.

            “We have had peace for a couple of mouths now and besides, with the Vorpax open they can’t come in here,” said the Prince.

            “Unless…unless they were invited from the inside,” she said.

            Miles away from the Cloud Nine Tower, the oracle appeared at an unsuspecting town as he transformed into Na’ash, Shadow Priest and leader of the Black Sand.

            “The time is now, COME FORTH!” summoned Na’ash. The morning air suddenly felt alive as a bright flash escaped in front of Na’ash. What looked like lightning was crackling from the mouth of a village, leaping from house to house. Each time the energy seemed to surge, dark clouds began to swarm. The wind was strong now, pulling him in. Na’ash waved his left hand as the final thunderous roar burst from the mouth of the village, leaving nothing but silence in its wake. Soon after a dark figure stepped forth-wearing black chaotic armor, a dark red inside/black outside cape, short flat dark red hair, and piecing yellow eyes.

            “Welcome… Ezekiel 69,” greeted Na’ash.

            “So this is Th’rial…how I can’t wait to bring it down,” he said.

            “In do time my master. First you must wipe out this town and all of its people. Then you must bring forth the Fortress,” said Na’ash. The villagers and towns’ folk began to come outside, seeing the two unwelcome figures on their land.

            “You there…what business do you have here…off with you,” said one of the farmers.

            “Business? You’re standing on my business,” said Ezekiel 69. He flipped back his cape exposing his black and grey scabbard. He grabbed the grip of his sword and began to pull it out of its sheath. The sword wasn’t your ordinary weapon for it was curved, bent backwards. The front part of the sword, the blade was silver, however behind the blade was razor sharp spine of a serpent beast, black as night. The farmers lit up in fear as the blade sudden turned from silver to blood red,

            “Taste the lick of my Serpent Blade!” he yelled.

“AHAHAHA!!!” With his mighty dark red blade, he brought the people down to their bloody knees, wiping them out with one devastating swoop. He pulled back his sword and began to lick the end of his blade with his tongue, consuming the sweet taste of innocent blood, something he yarned for.

            “AH!” screamed Princess Aureka, falling to her knees. Prince Dycoon caught her just in time before she hit the ground as guards rushed over to her aid.

            “Aureka? Aureka!” yelled the Prince. Princess Aureka’s eyes intensified, looking at Prince Dycoon. Suddenly, the ground started to quake destructively as Aureka pushed Prince Dycoon out of the way and ran for the upper balcony. Her colored eyes widen in fear as a great structural castle began to emerge from ground itself.


“RISE! For chaos will always triumph over order bwahahahah!” commanded

Ezekiel 69 as his Shadow Priests chanted,

“Gaws zu gen zu, reggie hung gaws zu. Gen swan yo, reggie gen zu za. Go zu gen zu, reggie hung gone zu!”

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