Episode 24: Divided and Fall

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Episode 24: Divided and Fall

            Within the main chambers of Fortress,

            “Very clever Mighty One. You made it seem that the target was to be the Princess, but in fact the Azuluian target was the Prince. Ezekiel 69 lightly grazed Frost’s cold left cheek and explained,

            “You see my dear Frost, phase one was to crush their spirit. Phase two, united they stand…but divided and they will surly fall. The Princess will see to it that he gets healed by the Healer and that’s when the fun begins bwahahaha…”

            Within the chambers of Crystal Tower,

            “There has to be something. You can’t just let the love of your life die,” said Trista.

            “I don’t plan on it,” said Princess Aureka.

            “But you said that you couldn’t heal him,” said Zac.

            “That I cannot, but the Healer can,” she said.

            “Healer?” asked Angela curiously.

            “Yes, he resides in the Dark Forest, forever protect and imprisoned by the dark creatures he once healed,” she said.

            “Okay then, teleport us there,” said Jenna.

            “I…cannot. One must enter the forest, they can’t simply teleport in. Besides, I need you all here, together. You’re strongest at best together,” she explained.

            “So if you can’t go and we can’t go, then who’s going?” asked Travis.

            “I will send word, but first I will try cleansing his wound first, postponing the spreading for thirty minuets the most…this I must do alone.”

            “Okay, you have all of our blessings,” said Zac. She nodded and they stepped out of the chamber and went down to the main hall where all the soldiers gathered. Princess Aureka got down on her knees and wrapped her hands around Prince Dycoon’s.

            “Mother…Father…forgive me for what I’m about to do. I just can’t lose him…I need him. Our love is stronger than this.” She got up, bent over and whispered into his ear, “Stay strong…have faith…I, believe in you. I will not let this be.” His hand lifted up and touched her warm soft cheek and with that she moved away from him and flipped back her ponytail, unraveling the Krystallos crystal.

            “Krystallos Crystal…UNLEASH!” said the Princess as the green crystal transformed into the Millennium Sword. The top half of the crystal transformed into the blade while the grip was still made of the bottom half. She touched the grip and with that transformed into warrior mode outfit. 

            Princess Aureka colorful eyes changed from innocent to seriousness as her long rainbow colored hair draped down to her lower back. She was wearing an all out white coat that draped down and out like an open skirt at the bottom. The coat also had a lilac outlining around it. She had on a blue skirt with knee-high white and purple outlined boot. She had two blue belts wrapped around her stomach and blue shoulder pads.

            “Forgive me…” said Zac. Everyone looked up at him strangely until he said, “The Princess!” Everyone ran out of the room and dash down the hallway and into the bedroom of the Prince and Princess, only to find it empty.

            “A horse?” asked Trista, picking up noises from the air. They quickly ran outside to see the Princess on a white horse with the Prince wrapped in a black cloak behind her, arms wrapped tightly around her.

            “Aureka!” shouted Travis She turned and her stare sent chills down the Elemental Warriors spines. That wasn’t their princess on that horse…but their soon to be future queen.

            “HEEYA!” she shouted, whipping on the reins as the horse sped off down the pathway toward the Dark Forest.

            “What kind of crazy shit is this?” asked Jenna, lost.

            “…did our princess just abandoned us,” said one of the soldiers.

            “No! She’s simply doing that she thinks is best. We need to have faith in her and believe in her judgment,” executed Travis. 

            Back in Fortress, Na’ash began the second chant on the chalice,

            “Gen swan yo, reggie gen zu za.”

            “Perfect,” said Ezekiel 69, watching the event within the Dark Diamond.

            “With their savior gone, it is time to take out their leader…Frost,” said Ezekiel 69.

            Back at Crystal Tower, the Elemental Warriors while still in their elemental armor, continued to brainstorm on how to get the chalice back before one of the Shadow Priests break the magical seal they placed upon it.

“Is it just me or is it a little cold in here?” asked Zac.

“I was thinking the same thing,” said Trista. All of a sudden mist began to form around them as hands reached out, grabbing the shoulders of Angela,


            “ANGELA!” screamed Travis and grabbed her hands, but he too was sucked into the misty field and vanished as it lifted.

            “Damn! How is Ezekiel 69 doing this? He’s like one step ahead of us every time,” cussed Trista in frustration.

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