Chapter 16

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I cannot take this anymore

Saying everything I've said before

All these words they make no sense

I find bliss in ignorance

Less I hear the less you'll say

You'll find that out anyway –One step closer

Chapter 16

Eventually the dinner party ended and Nick was allowed to finally get out of there. He left with Julienne and headed to her home. “What’s going on? Did you force me to this thing because Shane asked you to?”

“What? No.”


“Yes.” Julienne wasn’t the best liar out there, he heard her voice hesitate on that one word.

“I don’t believe you.” he pulled over on the deserted street. “Look me in the eye and tell me.” Julienne stubbornly turned in her seat and looked him in the eye, she opened her mouth and nothing came out. “Exactly what I thought! How could you do that to me? You know I’m trying to stay away from him.”

“You live together.”

“Exactly so this is already really hard and I don’t leave because awkward sexual tension and all; it’s better then my aunt’s house. I’m not ready to admit the truth about myself, I’m not ready to enter to anything with Shane and it’s unfair to string him along. I need him to move on.” Nick confessed, it wasn’t easy but it was the truth. He was a coward and he wasn’t ready to come from the shadows yet.

“Fine, but I don’t agree with it. Shane thinks you can be good together.”

Nick refused to acknowledge the pain in his chest. “Please let’s stop talking about it.” he started driving again and engrossed himself in the simple task.

“You know I love you and would do anything for you.”

“Then the next time Shane mentions me to you tell him I’m not interested. Tell him he needs to move on.” As Nick said the words a plan started to form. “Maybe that’s the ticket, he needs someone else.”

“What are you thinking?” Julienne asked with a groan, she didn’t like where his head was headed.

“He needs someone else to focus on, someone who can return his feelings. Let’s set him up.” he knew it sounded crazy but he thought it was genius, it was the perfect plan.

“Like his mom tried tonight?”

“Yeah but with someone not as annoying as Brent, someone really hot.” He grew excited as he finally found a way to get Shane off his back. It would bother him to see Shane with someone else but it’d be better then having to break his heart every day by denying him.

“You’re really hot….”

“Julienne.” it was his turn to groan.

“What? You are, I’ve always thought you were cute. It’s a damn shame I was crazy in love with Michael and you were in the closet, we could’ve made a good couple.”  Julienne was painfully honest since after receiving intensive therapy after her last suicide attempt. Her therapist advised her to talk as much as possible and keep nothing bottled up inside.

“Ok, I’d want you too if all that other stuff wasn’t true.” He agreed awkwardly.

“We’re so Will and Grace.”

Nick laughed. “Can we go back to my plan, please?”

“Ok fine I’ll go along with it only because it’s you. Operation let’s find Shane a hot piece of ass so he stops hounding yours is a go.”  

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