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Friday night arrived. As usual, it consisted of having One Direction's records on repeat, until I fall asleep. My friends were probably having fun at a bar, as usual. I was the total opposite of what they were, but somehow that wasn't a conflict when it came to our friendship. We always knew how to handle things and how to go out and have fun at the movies, or at some place else. Bars were definitely not my comfort zone and they knew that.

As I put Midnight Memories vinyl on my player, my phone started ringing. I walked toward my night stand with the vinyl in my hand, focused on the light being emitted by the phone. The object was cold to the touch and as I looked at the screen, it displayed Ella and the dark hair princess emoji next to it.

"Hello?" I said, as I tried to keep the phone on my ear with my shoulder. I walked toward the player, ready to blast Midnight Memories as soon as the call ended.

"Let me guess," She said. "You are about to play any One D vinyl right now." She let a chuckle out. I smiled to myself.

"You know me so well." I smiled as I threw myself on the bed, bouncing just a little as I fell. One Direction's melodic voices were serving a different purpose tonight, they were simply background noise for this call, which made cringe a little. 

"Well, stop for a minute, because I'm right in front of your house," My eyes were now open in surprise. "Put on a nice outfit and we're going out tonight." I stood up from the bed, as I tried to process what she just said. I furrowed my eyebrows as I thought of a possible response. 

"Come on Ella!" I groaned. "You know the night life isn't for me." I complaint.

"Taylor, just do what I'm telling you. You won't regret a thing.'' Her voice was flat now, no emotion. "I promise." I rolled my eyes. I scratched me temple, trying not to say a tasteless no. 

"Fine, give me ten." I ended the call and headed straight to my closet. I searched for about two minutes for a decent outfit. But to be honest, what does anyone wear for a night out? I rolled my eyes as attempt two of searching approached. I was about to give up when I noticed this black dress my dad gave me when I had my very first date. I took it out along with my white converse shoes and a jean jacket. My hair was falling down my shoulders and back, I put on a bit of mascara and red lipstick. I walked out of my room and headed downstairs, as I let my hand go along the wooden railing. My dad was in the living room, watching a golf tournament. I stood against the wall, waiting for him to notice me. 

"Where are you going?" He asked, as he pressed the mute button on the remote. I started to walk closer to him. He fixed his sitting position.

"Ella is waiting for me outside," I said, pointing at the front door with my thumb. "Can I go out with the girls tonight?" He looked at me surprised. This was a first.

"Sure," He nodded, with a look that screamed 'wow my daughter is actually going out tonight'. "Just be careful." I kissed his cheek goodbye and got out of the house in a matter of seconds. Ella's red car was indeed, waiting for me. A little part of me was hoping it wasn't. My hand clutched on the metal handle, opening the door. As I entered, she looked at me and smiled, ear to ear. 

"We are going to have so much fun!!" She squealed, like a little girl, she had the keys on the ignition. She started to change radio stations as she drove, not letting her sight away from the view ahead. All I did was play with my fingers along with the tune playing through the speakers. I was feeling a little bit of overwhelmed, because I seriously had no idea what was going on. 

The entire car drive was silent, and then, I decided to interrupt our lack of words.

"So," I pressed my lips together, eyeing her. "Are you going to tell me what is going on?"

"I have a surprise for you," She cleared her throat, not leaving her sight from the road. "Well, the girls and I." She smiled. Well, that did give me absolutely no clue about what was going to happen. 

"If it's a bar, please just-" I said and then, I got interrupted.

"Come on girl, live a little. You are eighteen years old for God's sake," She started doing hand gestures, as they fell onto the wheel. I just pressed my lips together, unsure of the idea. "I promise you'll have fun." This time, she really did look at me in the eye, but after two seconds she went directly to focus on driving.

We arrived at Up Live. It was the girls' most favorite bar, since no ID was required and as I've heard, cool bands play almost every weekend. I looked at Ella, as she started walking ahead of me. She greeted the bouncer and we entered. The place was crowded and I started to feel like a fish out of the water. Girls were wearing few to almost nothing, couples were playing tongue fights and ass grabbing and the bartender was doing the impossible with the drinks situation. From a distance, we saw Selena, Karlie and Gigi. The three of them had red cups on their hands, as they laughed. They sight encounter us and waved, I waved back. 

"Oh my God, I can't believe you are here!!" Selena said, as she hugged me really tight. Karlie and Gigi were smiling big time and you could easily see all over Ella's face, 'mission accomplished'.

"I can't believe it either." I pressed my lips together, setting my eyes on the band, but seconds away from that, they stopped playing and everyone focused their attention on the man with the microphone and the hot pink tie who just got up on the stage. He was probably the one in charge of the entertainment. 

"Just in time." Gigi said, as she flipped her hair over her shoulder. The rest of the girls smiled. I was still clueless.

"Give a round of applause for Red Ink everyone," And so they did. I followed them, even though I just heard them for about five seconds. "Up next is Taylor Swift!" He said, as he furrowed his eyebrows at a sheet of paper that was probably the list of bands and solo artists singing. My eyes were open in shocked. My knees started to tremble, as I tried to breathe deep and slow. I looked at the girls and they all were clapping. I started to panic. Big time. I was being pushed by a few toward the stage. I was still clueless. What was I supposed to do up there? What was I going to sing? Where was I supposed to look? I took a few steps up the tiny stairs and placed the first foot on the stage, trying to control my thoughts. The man in the hot pink tie gave me a guitar, and as he placed a stool right behind me, I started to breathe deep. I had to calm myself in order to follow through this. He positioned the mic at the height of my mouth and I sat down, I started to focus on the girls. They all had excitement displayed on their face, making me feel a little braver. All that could travel my mind was: 'well, Taylor, you are about to sing in front of hundreds of people and it's okay, you'll make it'.

"Good night everyone," I said, nervous as hell. The crowd had poker faces, making me feel even more nervous. I was losing my performance virginity in a bar. Not what I expected. "This song is a song I wrote a few months back," I smiled at the ground, as I start to warm up with the guitar. "It's really personal. I hope you guys like it," I smiled at the crowd. They were clapping. I gulped, trying to control my inner self. "It's called 'Superstar'."

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