I care

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Selena was laying next to me as she eyed a Cosmopolitan. She let a sigh come out of her lips and then, turned to face me.

"That Harry Styles situation, was a joke right?" She didn't believe that I actually was talking to him. I let a chuckle get out.

"The donut you ate a few minutes ago, was chosen by him," I smiled. "He brought the box and talked to my dad and," I chuckled. "I can't believe the news hit you until now."

"Did he do that because of your mother's situation?"

"I guess," I cleared my throat. "I mean, he saw how she stormed out of the house and the awkward eye contact we made. It was horrible."

"I'm sorry about this mess," I pressed my lips together, as she grabbed my hand. "If you ever want to talk about either I'm here for you. Okay?"

"Thanks, I really needed to hear that."

"How's it?"

"How's what?" I asked, confused. She bit her lower lip, closing the magazine and pushing it away from her. 

"Talking to Harry Styles." 

"He's really nice actually. I'm thinking about showing him this song I wrote a few days back. It's called 'Tied Together With a Smile' and I don't know."

"Why don't you show it to me first?" She offered, wearing a smile upon her lips.

"I mean, I want his musical opinion. When it's done of course I'll show it to you at the bar."

"Oh my God," She squealed. "You're going to play again?"

"Yeah," I chuckled. "I really felt something up there." 

"I knew you were going to enjoy it." I smiled at her and after that, silence was the only thing traveling between us. Suddenly, my phone started vibrating against the night stand. I took it in my hands and notice an unknown number texted me. 

"Hey," I said, keeping my eyes on the phone. "I think this is Harry and I don't know what to do." She took the phone from my hands. I was freaking out and could even think about blinking. 

"Oh my God," She started to squealed like a fangirl. "It's him!" I started chuckling trying to hide the nervous feeling.

"Give it to me!" I ordered, as I took control over my phone. I read the text. It was a simple 'hey', but it made my heart race like never before. My hands were sweaty and as I stared blankly into the keyboard, I started to recall every encounter I had with him. Every single one felt beautiful. 

"Did you reply already?" Selena asked, interrupting my endless chain of memories. I glanced up at her. 

"No," I cleared my throat. "What should I text back?"

"How about the same thing he texted you? I mean, you don't have to show too much interest, but you don't have to show you're not interested either." We both let a sigh come out of our lips.

"Boys and romance is a complicated topic, huh?" She nodded her head, I shrugged and went back to the text. 

"Here it goes," I pressed my lips together and started typing, 'Hey!'. I nodded my head and handed the phone over to Selena, waiting for her approval. When it came down to boys and relationships, she was an excellent advisor. I needed approval and opinions and advice from people who've had relationships before. I'm an amateur when it comes to romance. The closest thing I've been to it is when I read a book and I get lost in the characters, imagining somehow my life is just like those four hundred pages describe it to be. I noticed Selena started moving her fingers across the phone screen and it worried me. "What are you doing?" 

"Just searching for a cool emoji you know?" 

"Okay, just nothing compromising." 

"Don't worry." She said, as she handed me the phone back. I checked the text and it included a blushing cheeks smiling emoji. 

"Now all I have to do is wait his response," I chuckled, nervously. "Oh God." 


"He texted back." I took a deep breath and read the text along with Selena, 'i was wondering how were you doing. let me know. x'

"Oh my God, what just happened?" She asked, shocked. "Do you realize he actually cares about your mother situation?"

"He's being polite, Sel," I pressed my lips together. "I won't make up ideas in my mind about him genuinely caring about me. We just met. He's my favorite artist and you know what am I?"

"Taylor," She said, slightly shooking her head. "I know what you mean, but maybe this is an opportunity?"

"For what? I'm just a fan," I scoffed. "Do you know the story about the superstar falling in love with the fan and suddenly, out of nowhere, thanks to a miracle, they fall madly in love again and together they change the world?" 

"No, but-"

"Exactly," I interrupted. "Because that kind of stuff never happens. Not here, not in Mars or Jupiter, or whatever galaxy there is. I'm sorry but you are not helping me when you are trying to tell me he cares for me, because we are strangers that bumped into each other because he liked the way I performed."

"I'm not trying to make you believe he will fall in love with you, but this is a sign he cares. As a friend."

"You are my friend, he isn't. Don't try to lead me on, because I know this will end badly. I'm sure I'll end up devastated. The kind of sad you can't pick yourself off the floor."

"If that happens, I'll help you dust yourself off. I'm your friend and I care," She grabbed my hand and smiled. "I'm positive, things will go great. I promise." 

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