It was madness

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"So, what are your expectations for tomorrow's performance?" He asked. I furrowed my eyebrows from across the table. I rested my chin upon my hands, and smiled.

"I don't know, I'm not nervous at all," Lies, I was. I was a wreck inside. I just tried my best not to show it. "I just know what I'm going to do. I know what song and how I'm going to deliver my message, you know?" Those weren't lies. I knew exactly how I was going to win these people over. 

"What song?" 

"Uh," I chuckled. "I won't say. It's a song I wrote a few days back, it's really bubbly and happy. It makes me think about happy things." He smiled. It was beautiful. I swear time stood still every time he decided to do that simple yet very captivating thing.

"Love? Adventure? Hate?" 

"I sense you're curious about my song." I half smiled, raising and eye brow.

"I just want to know, because you are an amazing writer. And you know, I'm positive they'll pick you."

"Hey," I took a sip of my water. "Please, don't interfere in their decision. I want them to make up their minds without you saying anything. I want to blow their minds with my talent."

"Sure, but you do know I'll have a say in choosing the three performers for the tour, right?"

"Shoot," I pressed my lips together. "You're right, forget everything I said. I mean, okay, you'll have a say but I don't want their decision to be fully influenced by you. I mean, I'd be thankful if I get to tour with you, you know the band," I gulped. "But, I want to earn it."

"Chill, okay? You made your point. I won't influence a thing, I promise."

"Great. That's what I wanted to hear." I chuckled. The waitress arrived with our food.

"Thank you." Harry said, she smiled at him. 

"These people know how to control themselves." 

"What do you mean?" He said, after chewing the piece of steak in his mouth. 

"I mean, you are Harry Styles," I scoffed. "Who doesn't know who you are?"

"I believe they have to go on with the show like I'm not here, or if there were another celebrity, I don't know. I guess it's part of the job."

"Yeah," I smiled. "You're right. So, tell me about you." I demanded.

"What do you want to know?" He furrowed his eyebrows. I pressed my lips together, trying to wonder what's the one thing I've always wanted to ask Harry Styles in a beautiful restaurant like this one.

"Do you regret it all? The X Factor and just everything? Have you ever wanted to go back in time and change something?"

"Actually," He took a deep breath, looking at me. His green eyes were mesmerizing, they knew well how to take my breath away. It didn't took long either. "No. I've always wanted to do this for a living, it was a long dream of mine. I can't regret the steps I took in order to get here."

"You are right. I wish I could get people to hear my voice you know?" I chuckled. "I mean, I know people at the bar heard me and you did, but I'm really shy, so it takes double the effort for me you know?" He nodded.

"I think you'll get places, trust me," I noticed his plate was empty and so was mine. "I'll pay, sit still, it won't take long," I didn't like when boys paid for stuff, but then again, I was never asked on dates. You can say, that was the first time in my whole life some boy has taken more then five minutes of their life to get to know me. Then again, he was not just some boy. He was the boy. In a matter of minutes he was already walking toward me. I stood up and waited for him to arrive where I was. "Want to take a walk?"

"I'd love to." We headed outside and he pointed the way. 

"So, do you think you'll make it? Because one thing is for someone to believe you will, another whole different thing is you believing in yourself?"

"Wow," That was a good question. I never saw it that way, until that moment. It was eye opening. "I guess once I do, the rest will come, huh?"

"Yeah, uh, that's the first part." I nodded. My arms were crossed against my chest, I could hear the busy life of the city. The cars, the music, people laughing... it was madness. Walking next to Harry Styles in a big city was madness, a good kind. I looked around, paparazzi hiding behind cars and trying to be discrete, and failing in the process. Harry turned to look at them and then at the ground. I noticed it made me uncomfortable and I realized it was madness to him too, just not the good one. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2017 ⏰

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