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It was Saturday and waking up this early wasn't in my plans. The clock on my night stand read 6:37 a.m, my eyelids felt heavy, as they were falling slowly on their own due to the amount of light my eyes were receiving. I covered my face with my blanket, as I try to avoid the streaks of sunlight coming through the blinds. Minutes after a specific thought entered my mind and that was the tall boy with emerald eyes. I uncovered my face and as I felt my feet touch the white fluffy carpet, I smiled. I started to think everything that happened last night, and the feeling of happiness arrived my senses. I grabbed my phone and excitedly, called Ella.

"Hello?" Ella answered, with a voice that could easily indicate she was asleep. 

"I'm sorry I woke you up," I chuckled. "But I have to talk to you." I was sitting on one of the corners of the bed, playing with my feet, as the carpet's texture felt easy to the touch.

"Tay, it's six in the morning," She yawned. "Can it wait until I recharge myself up for the day?" She asked, as she finished her yawn.

"Fine," I rolled my eyes. "But don't forget about it."

"I won't." She said last and I ended the call. I threw myself and the phone on the bed. I closed my eyes, trying to re-live in my mind the Harry Styles situation. It was perfectly clear in my mind the shade of green illuminating in his eyes, the way his laugh echoed perfectly in the corners of my mind and how it felt just walking next to him in the cold of the night. I opened my eyes to the view of my ceiling and I started to think about another chance of talking to him, the smile on my face disappeared. I stood up from the bed and walked out of my room, making my way to the kitchen. 

"Woah," My dad said, as he watched me enter the room. "Isn't it too early for you?" I chuckled. I opened one of the refrigerator doors as I searched for something to eat. 

"Yeah," I said, as I kept searching. "I don't even know why I'm up this early." I took out the orange juice and put it on the table, right in front of dad. I shut the refrigerator and headed to the counter for a glass. 

"I'm still surprised about last night," He said, putting the newspaper down. "I mean, what is he doing here?"

"I don't want to talk about it dad, I'm sorry." I said, taking a sip of my orange juice. I looked down as I put the glass down on the table, trying my best not to make any eye contact.

"Sorry, it's that you arrived last night with the biggest smile I've ever seen upon your face." His words felt sincere and besides that, they were true. My cheeks kept hurting until I could finally fall asleep, which was a new feeling to me. 

"Yeah dad, I mean, you know," I let a sigh come out of my lips. "Whatever." I smiled, trying to make him believe it actually meant 'whatever'. But the truth is, it wasn't whatever. Our attempt at small talk was interrupted by the ringing of the door bell. 

"I'll get it." He said and I nodded. He stood up from the table and I watched him walk over to the door. Due to its location, it was hard to watch the scene from the kitchen. Instead of trying to lurk into the situation, I took a last sip of my orange juice. Suddenly, my dad entered the kitchen again, but this time, he had a different expression on his face. 

"Dad, what's wrong?" I asked, as I walked closer to him. Suddenly a familiar silhouette appeared behind him. My heart started to pound like never before. "Mom?" I asked, as she offered me a warm smile. I stared at her, shocked. It's been twelve years without knowing a thing about her.

"Hey darling, it's been too long, huh?" My dad looked at her after those words, just as if there was a ghost standing in the room with us. He was pale and I couldn't feel any more sorry for him. The woman he loved the most, appeared out of the blue after twelve years. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked, she looked down. I retraced a few steps, trying to stay as far away as her possible. 

"I'm back, for good," She answered. "Scott, can you please leave me alone with my daughter?" Dad left the room after her request, I walked toward the table, as I sat down she did too. She was right in front of me and I looked at her straight in the eye, waiting for her speech. "I know it's been too long, but I'm here to fix what I broke."

"It's more than that, it's more than what you broke that night you bailed on us," I tried to not let the tears fall. I didn't want to look weak in front of her. "It's what happened after that. It was the fact I kept looking for you all over the house, it was the fact you didn't even dare to say goodbye, it was the fact you broke my dad's heart, because," I started crying. I couldn't keep it anymore. She just looked at me, shocked. I took a deep breath. "Because, you didn't have to deal for the following years with all the remains of what you did." 

"I know! You think that you never crossed my mind?" She grabbed my hand. "You and your dad were all I could ever think about."

"Mom, why did you even leave us?" 

"I left for a man, I thought I loved," She started crying. "But I was such a fool. He didn't love me quite as much."

"Please, do me a favor and leave this house."

"What?" Her eyes were wide open. I couldn't bear seeing her. I wasn't ready. 

"Leave. We didn't need you all those years, we don't need you now." I stood up, leaving her all by herself on the table. I didn't know if my dad wanted her back, but I didn't.

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