Harry freaking Styles

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"People loved your song!" Ella exclaimed, clapping and jumping around like the proudest fan girl in the list of proudest fangirls. She hugged me really tight, pressing my chest against her body, making it harder for breathing. She let go of me when she realized little amount of air was traveling in my lungs. "Sorry." She said, with a hidden smile on her lips. 

"Thank you," I grabbed her hand and smiled. Then I turned to the rest of the girls. "And thank you to you guys too." They all group hugged me, and to be honest, I didn't feel that amount of love until this moment in particular. The way the heat was rising due to our hug, which wasn't that kind of hug you split away from in seconds, it lasted minutes. We got interrupted by the sound of the mic, the dude in the pink tie was up again. Our attention was on him. 

"Thank you everyone for coming," He said, making everyone clap. I did too. "I'm Mark and it was lovely to have everyone here showing their talent," He had a name. Mark. Reminded me of my last next door neighbor. "And thanks to the crowd for being an excellent crowd," He chuckled at his own jokes and the crowd clapped. "Good night everyone." He said his final words, exiting the stage. 

"Well, it was nice girls but I got to go home." I said, and immediately they all had an expression of dislike on their faces.

"Come on Taylor, it's only eleven!" Gigi complained. I shook my head and smiled at the ground. "You have to write a new song for next Friday, therefore you need new experiences."

"We should get her drunk!" Selena joked, making the girls laugh, including me. I shook my head, hoping it was really a joke, but with Sel you never know. 

"Oh my God, that totally sounds like a plan!" Karlie joined, giggling with her light full giggle. 

"Woah, calm down guys. I really need to go home you know. I mean, I have plenty of written songs." I stated, looking at each of them in the eye. 

"Songs about Harry? Come on Tay! You can't spend your days and nights writing about a boy you see through a screen," I looked at Karlie. Deep down I knew she was right. I didn't allow that thought to flow out of my thoughts, because hearing out loud made everything seem like a joke and it wasn't. "That's not the way to live."

"Why don't you write about this night with your friends and how you made great memories while being drunk?" Ella suggested. "Write about that night when you were daring enough to perform for the very first time." 

"Just not about the same unreachable boy with the green eyes." Karlie added. I wanted to cry, right there in the middle of the bar. They didn't understand me, at all. I shook my head and walked away from them. If we are talking honesty here, I was expecting them to stop me, but they didn't, so I just kept walking, trying to avoid bumping into people. As I made my way through the crowd, I could easily hear different conversations, ringing in my head as the atmosphere felt heavy on my entire body. I could finally get out of the now familiar place, as I caught a breath of fresh air. The smell of the smoke coming out of the cigarette from the girl with the afro, felt heavy in my lungs. I tried not to inhale the smoke, but it was hardly impossible. I started to walk away from the scenario, trying to keep myself warm with my own hands. 

I suddenly felt a touch on my shoulder, and as I turned around I saw a familiar pair of green eyes. I started to feel weak at the knees. He offered me a warm smile and I gave one back, trying to hide my shyness and my inner fan girl.

"I'm sorry I scared you," He said. That voice. Oh. My. God. "I heard your song and I just had to tell you in person how great you were."

"Wow, uh," I started to think about the right words to say. Harry Styles followed me just to let me know how great I was. This all felt like a dream to me. "Thank you, woah, okay, what are you doing here? I thought you were in London," What. Did. I. Just. Say. "I mean, not that I know your location exactly, I mean, ugh." I covered my face with my hands, trying to avoid the embarrassment. 

"It's okay. Sometimes I like to visit this bar in incognito mode. I found it like a year ago," He paused, pressing his rosy chapped lips together. "Let me walk you home." I nodded, trying to process what was going on. He pointed the way, and I started to walk. I couldn't keep my eyes away from him. He was probably thinking I was just another fangirl, but I didn't want him to think of me that way. 

"So, is this real?" I asked, as we walked. I tried to keep conversation flowing between us, since this was a once in a lifetime thing.

"Let me guess. You can't believe Harry Styles is actually talking to you." I chuckled. He was right.

"Don't get me wrong," I said, smiling at the ground. "I'm actually in love with your talent, but this feels like I'm in a TV show were people prank other people." I explained, doing hand gestures, he laughed. His laugh was way more beautiful in person.

"Oh so you are a huge fan of me and the guys?" He asked. I blushed.

"Yeah, but mostly you," I looked away, trying not to sound like a little girl. I stopped walking. "So, uh, this is me." I pointed at my house. His hands were in his pocket. I put a strand of hair behind my ear, trying to guess what was coming next. 

"It was nice talking to you, maybe some time we can meet up and write." He offered, giving me that pretty smile of his. 

"I would love that." I waved goodbye at him, reaching my front door in a matter of seconds. He waved goodbye too and I entered, shutting the door softly behind me. 

"Taylor," My dad said, walking out of the living room. "I thought you were arriving later." He hugged me. 

"It was fun, I sang in front of people dad. And guess what?"

"What?" He asked, kissing my temple. I felt a trace of saliva on my skin, but I didn't mind. 

"I met him, dad. Him," I smiled, blushing. "Harry freaking Styles." 

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