I have to believe

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"It was nice talking to you," He chuckled, as he walked me home, just like he did the night we met. "If you ever need someone to talk to, just contact me." I chuckled, looking at the ground.

"Is that even possible?"

"What?" He asked, confused.

"For a normal girl to contact Harry Styles?" We both laughed, as he nodded.

"Sorry," He was coughing, from all the laughter slipping out. "Um, type down your number, I'm going to text you, that way you can have me in your contact list." I took his phone from his hands and typed down my number. I made sure to include my full name and when it was done, I handed it back to him.

"Here you go."

"I'll make sure to text you." He spoke, offering me a friendly smile.

"Please do, I can't wait to hear about your crazy adventures." He nodded, and then placed a kiss on my cheek. I started to feel weakness through my entire body as I felt the touch of his chapped lips on my skin.

"I don't want to see you ever again!" Harry and I turned around to see the source of those words and it was my mother. She faced us and then wiped away her tears from her mascara stained cheeks. I turned around to face Harry and looked down.

"Sorry." I mouthed at him and then rushed inside. My dad was at the door, holding it open, probably for her. Maybe he was expecting her to get inside and actually stay. I watched as he looked at her and all she did was look at him one last time before walking away...again. I shook my head and headed to my room.

"Taylor!" I heard my father said, but instead of stopping and hearing what he wanted to say, I just kept walking. I shut the door tight and started bawling my eyes out. I let my body fall to the floor as I could easily feel the tears rolling down my cheek. "Taylor!" My father exclaimed from the other side of the door. "Taylor, please open the door."

"No! Leave me alone." I said, trying to speak properly. I didn't want him to know I was crying. All these years I've been putting the act of the tough one. The act of the girl who doesn't need her mother. And I've been okay, until know. Deep down I wanted her to stay. I wanted her to prove to me that she really wanted me, that she really cared about us. But I was let down. For the second time around. I let my body rest on the floor, as I stared blankly at the ceiling. After a few seconds I closed my eyes, as I tried to imagine how different things could've been if my life was different. If things would've turned right, instead of wrong. If staying was an only choice. If there weren't two choices. Just if I was different person. 

"Taylor," I opened my eyes to the sound of my dad speaking. I blinked more than twice and I found myself on the floor. I fell asleep. "Someone's waiting for you downstairs." I stood up and opened the door.

"Who? Mom?" He looked at the ground and shook his head in denial. 

"It's the boy you like too much."

"Sh," He chuckled. It felt nice watching him smile. I smiled back. "Thanks dad, I'll be down in a minute." He nodded and I shut the door after he left. I walked toward the mirror and tried to fix my face. My eyes were swollen. I took a deep breath and walked out of my room. I heard the two of them talking as I walked down the stairs.

"Harry." I said, interrupting his conversation with my dad. 

"Hey, I brought these." He stood up from the table, with a box of donuts in hand. I took them and smiled. My dad watched the entire scene and then left with a polite smile upon his lips.

"Donuts." He nodded.

"Yeah, I hope you like them. I thought they could cheer you up a little."

"Thank you, you didn't have to." I put the box on top of the table and sat down. He did too.

"I wanted to, we're friends, aren't we? I mean, friends do this whole cheering up thing." I nodded, pressing my lips together.

"Yup," I said, feeling a little more hurt. "Just friends."

"I'm leaving tomorrow. We have to do a show and-"

"Yeah," I interrupted. "It's okay. Duty calls." He chuckled. 

"We can text and if you ever feel down, I'm one call away."

"Thank you, you really don't have to be this nice to me. You barely know me." I said, looking down at the box of donuts.

"If you feel uncomfortable then just forget everything, from the donuts to the call thing-" I chuckled.

"It's okay. I mean," I interrupted, before clearing my throat. "I'm not used to a guy being this good to me. Well, besides my dad." I rolled my eyes and he chuckled. I could easily see the wrinkles forming in the corner of his eyes and how one of his dimples was showing. He was so beautiful. 

"I hope your mom realizes what she's giving up."

"She had time to realize it and you know, sometimes you are just a little too late. I just gave up on her a long time ago. I'm tired of waiting for something out of the ordinary to happen."

"You know that quote, the one that goes," He looked up at the ceiling, as if he was trying to fathom his words into something coherent. "Uh," He licked his lips. I couldn't stop staring at his lips. "Yeah, okay it goes, don't give up on anybody, miracles happen everyday." He offered me a warm smile and I gave one back. 

"I think there's no other way here," He furrowed his eyebrows, waiting for my answer. "I have to believe what you are saying." He chuckled and nodded. Little did he know what I meant.

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