I lied

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I stared straight into the window. I could easily hear the stormy discussion going on in the living room and as much as I wanted to ignore the situation going on, I couldn't. I was still shaken by my mother, who finally found her way back to us. My phone rang, suddenly calling me back to Earth. I answered.

"Hi." I spoke, flat tone in my voice.

"Sorry I forgot to call you yesterday." Ella said. I could easily hear guilt in the way she pronounced her words.

"Yeah, it's okay." I said, as I tried to focus on the words both my parents were throwing at each other.

"Don't be mad, I just forgot. I mean probably this is a lame excuse but I met someone at Café Abby and we spent the entire morning just sipping on our drinks and chewing on our bagles and," She let a sigh come out. "And I spent the rest of the day just thinking of him."

"I get it, okay, I just need to hang up." I ended the call. I decided to eavesdrop. I opened my bedroom door a little, enough for me to perfectly hear the discussion.

"I loved him, okay? But I never stopped loving you!" That was my mother. I rolled my eyes. At least she was being half honest.

"You never leave someone you love for someone you think you love! That's ridiculous Andrea!" I nodded my head. I agreed. Truth is, if you leave someone, it's because you never ever really loved them. I couldn't accept how she thought she loved two people at the same time. It just doesn't work that way. I closed the door and took a deep breath. I took my black hoodie from the closet and put it on in front of the mirror. I put on some jeans and my worn out Chuck Taylors. I gave myself one last look in the mirror and opened the door, quietly.

"Andrea, come on! You can't expect me to be fine with all of this!" My father complains, as I walked toward the door without them noticing me. I opened it with caution, and then I shut it. My body was against the door, as I tried to eavesdrop my mother's response, but after a minute of hearing nothing, I started to walk away. I could easily feel something bothering me in my throat, but I swallowed hard enough to let it go away. But it was still there. As I tried to remove the images of my childhood with my heartbroken dad, the tears easily formed on my eyes. I stopped walking for a few seconds and shut my eyes. I didn't want the tears to fall. I wanted to act strong for the sake of both my dad and I, even if he wasn't looking at me right now, I wasn't going to let myself break down. I kept walking, until I reached the park. Miniature squared gardens were scattered around and as usual, the ederly living in this town spent most afternoons here. It was a calming place. Calming enough to let your thoughts flow or just ponder about life in general. The park had benches, ornamental trees and a small fountain in the middle. As I politely greeted the people in my way, I reached an empty bench. I sat down. My stare was locked in the tree in front of me. And suddenly, I was interrupted.

"Taylor, isn't it?" Harry Styles just stopped to ask if that was my name.

"Harry Styles, isn't it?" He chuckled. So did I.

"Can I sit down?" He asked, flashing his one million dollar smile.

"Be my guest." I watched him was he sat down. He let a sigh come out of his lips, as I stared at his hands and how his hair fell on his face.

"This park is nice," He stated. "It's hard to find a place where you can just walk and think."

"Yeah, I love it here," I smiled at him. "If it's not that nosey, what are you thinking about?"

"Well," He pressed his lips together. "My manager wants me to date Kendall Jenner. I mean, I can't complain, I just don't love her."

"I thought PR stunts were a myth," I chuckled. "I mean, I never believe those rumors about celebrities doing stunts, I don't get the point." I explained.

"Before I became the official Harry Styles, I didn't either. But when you get deeper in the industry, you have to accept terms and conditions, just for the sake of your career and yourself." I nodded.

"So have you done any PR stunts?"

"Actually, I almost did. But the girl had cold feet, so they just cancelled everything. It was crazy."

"I'm sorry I'm asking a lot of questions, but why are you hesitating with Kendall if you are willing to do it?" I asked, really curious about his response. I turned around to face a barking dog, but immediately my attention was back on Harry.

"I do stunts with one condition only," He looked at me, with those green eyes. I felt nervous. "No feelings involved."

"Oh," I slightly shook my head. "She loves you."

"I wish she didn't, I've hurt her way too many times, I just can't feel a thing you know? I made myself try to feel just the slightest hint of love toward her, but you can't force love you know?" He was right. His voice was soothing.

"So you never have fallen in love?" I asked, really regretting it seconds after.

"Nop," He chuckled. "I don't want to."

"But," I let a sigh come out. "Never mind, I'm just asking too much. I just want to know you."

"I don't mind at all your questions." He smiled at me. I went weak.

"Your songs about love, I mean-"

"Yeah," He interrupted. "They are about the idea of love. I write about my one night stands," Right after that, I felt a gulp in my throat. "And you know I've felt nice things for girls, but I know none of them were love," He looked at me for a few seconds, as if he was searching for something in my eyes. "Now it's my turn to ask," I nodded, pressing my lips together. "Have you fallen in love?" I knew the answer to that.

"No." I lied. He wouldn't like my answer.

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