Something great

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The airport was a sea of faces. People rushing to get to their gate, others too busy looking at their phone and then there was me, staring wide open at the plasma screen of arrival and departure times right in front of me. My knees started to go weak as I finally saw my flight. 

"Taylor, you've been staring at that thing for forever. Please, sit down." My dad spoke behind me. I nodded and then he went back to his seat. 

"Sorry," I spoke, walking toward the seat next to him. "I'm anxious. I can't wait to see him."

"Have you been in touch?"

"Nop," I pressed my lips together. "I think the excitement of knowing me faded already." I chuckled.

"I don't think so, probably he has a lot on his plate right now with the tour and everything." My dad said, trying to make me feel some sort of comfort. I offered him a warm smile and then we fell into complete silence. 

"Dad, have you felt like there's only one person for you to love?" I asked, curious.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, God made this person just for you and even though he wanders around and you do this and think in a certain way, it's all about this person."

"I felt that way about your mother," He spoke. "But darling, you are young still."

"I know that, but I feel a deep connection with Harry. I don't know if it's because I'm emotionally attached since I first heard the boys, but it's him dad. I feel it when I think about him and," I let a sigh come out of my lips. "I don't know, I'm being silly aren't I?"

"You have every right to feel whatever it is that you feel, just don't get blinded in the process," My dad said. He took my hand in his and looked at me straight in the eye. "Love is a wonderful thing. At your age, having a crush is bliss, it really is," He cleared his throat. "But sometimes love is just an illusion and when you find that out, it breaks your heart. Remember he's Harry Styles, sweetheart."

"Yeah you are right," I pressed my lips together, as I placed my head on his shoulder. "Thank you for doing this with me dad."

"I'm always here for you." I fixed my sitting position as I heard the lady on the speaker talk about my flight, even though it was hard to understand what she was saying. Everyone was walking to my corresponded gate. I took my carry-on bag and my passport and so did my dad. We walk side by side toward the line. It didn't took long for us to be walking toward the airplane. At this point, my stomach was a mess. It was terrifying to think about him and the fact I was about to see him. I was afraid of what was going to happen. I was excited too. I wanted to show him a few of the stuff I've written and of course, to spend time with him. We got inside the airplane and we chose row 10 and seats 16 and 17. We sat down and the both of us, turned off our electronics. The conversations of everyone in their seat invaded the silence between my dad and I, as we waited for the airplane to take off. 

"Dad, it's been too long since the last time I stepped into an airplane." He chuckled. 

"Yeah, the last time we were going to Disneyland, was it?"

"Yeah! I remember I was crying my eyes out because we were going to arrive late and I wanted to go to Disney as soon as the plane landed." My dad laughed and I did too. The stewardess walked past us, toward the cabin. Minutes after, the instructions were ringing in our ears. I almost forgot how they say the same thing over and over in different languages, to make everyone understand the precautions we should take if anything goes wrong. 

"Here we go." My dad spoke as the airplane took off. I could see the plane wings from the tiny window. I smiled as I gazed at the clouds. Everything looked so different from up here. I felt like I was hours away from something great. I turned on my cell phone and went directly to my iTunes and of course, One Direction was blasting through my ear phones. I hummed to every song played and as I did, I noticed my dad reading some book about criminal investigations. He loved those. I closed my eyes for a bit. 

"Written on these walls are the colors that I can't change. Leave my heart open but it stays right here in its cage. I know that in the morning now I see us in the light upon a hill. Although I am broken, my heart is untamed, still..." Those words were ringing in my ears as I felt my dad touching my shoulder. I opened my eyes and the stewardess was right next to us with a cart, juice and food. 

"What would you like?" She asked, offering me a warm smile.

"I'd love an orange juice please. Oh and, uh, add some ice." She nodded and I watched her as she served the liquid on my cup. 

"Here it is lady and some snacks."

"Thank you." I took a sip of my juice and opened the tiny box. Inside of it, there was a sandwich, a bag of pretzels and a small square of some sort of cake. I swear the so called snacks didn't look appetizing enough to be eaten. I gave my dad a glance and we both chuckled. I finished my juice and went back to sleep. It felt as if I slept for a day when my dad woke me up.

"We are here." He said as I looked at him with my eyes half opened. I nodded and fixed my sitting position. We went through the process of picking our suitcases and the migration part and stuff. We were now going down the escalator when my eyes gazed through the group of people waiting for their loved ones and in that moment my eyes met with a familiar pair of eyes.

"He's here." I said, under my breath. I smiled, wide enough to let people question what was making me that happy. 

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