Unrequited love

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The bar is a combination of hundreds of conversations spoken in loud vibrations, echoing around, dominating the atmosphere along with the music playing. Tonight, I was the first performer of the night and as I take a sip of my Coca Cola, the nervous feeling started to invade my body. I wanted to be alone for a while, because I wanted to grab some courage. Though it wasn't my first performance, it felt like such. This was the first time I was going to sing about something even more personal than a crush on a superstar. I was nervous because I didn't want to get a negative reaction from the crowd. After a few minutes of overthinking the entire performance. The same guy in charge of the microphone was standing on the stage. I didn't want to be the first one. I mean, the first ones usually suck and what if everyone hates the song?

"Goodnight everyone," Everyone directed their attention to him, including my friends standing near the entrance. "How's everyone tonight?" Everyone started clapping and cheering. "Woah, seems like everyone's in a great mood, huh? Tonight we're welcoming for the second time one of the few performers that have blown our mind since the first time up here," He said, pointing at the stage underneath him with his finger. "Please, give a round of applause for Taylor Swift!" That's my name. He said my name and I forgot every word to the song. I stood there without knowing what to do. I had to go to the stage, but suddenly my feet were glued on the ground and I couldn't even blink. One of the bartenders actually pushed me toward the stage and I couldn't even make eye contact with the crowd. This time felt completely different than the last. I took a step forward and now my mouth was a short distance away from the mic. I cleared my throat and grabbed the mic. Once I did, I watched the acoustic guitar placed next to me and since I had to used it, I put the mic back to its original place and grabbed the guitar. I noticed everyone's eyes were on me, as I gently played with the strings.

"Good night everyone," The crowded started screaming out my name. I offered them a smile. "I'm caught up in this unrequited love situation," I took a deep breath. "It sucks and I can only hope you guys have felt this exact way. It, yeah, it sucks, feeling like this person is the only person for you and," I chuckled, it was hard due to the small lump in my throat. "And they don't see you like that. You're stuck wishing things were different, but if they were, it wouldn't be your life. You start to get sad because you now understand poets and their hopeless devotion to words about tragedy and heartbreak," I noticed everyone was staring at me, silent. As if I was telling everyone the biggest secret, truth or irony of the world. It was a good moment. I felt good. "And you realize you would trade everything that makes your life what it is, for just a second of their lips on yours and we've all been there right?" Every single person in the crowd screamed 'yeah' and that, for sure, was the biggest moment of my life yet. "I wrote this song thinking about me, but now it goes out to every one of you. I hope you like it, it's called 'Untouchable'". I started singing the song and I could feel an incredible energy, it was something I didn't experience the first time. As I kept singing, everything just got better and I didn't want it to end. I wanted to freeze time and stay like this forever. The song was over and everyone cheered, I could see my friends at the back clapping and screaming out my name. I got off the stage and found a man staring at me. He was bald, his eyes were dark and could easily pierced into anybody's soul and he was the only person in the entire bar wearing a suit.

"Taylor Swift, right?" He asked, I hesitated to answer, so I just nodded. "I was touched by your speech. You sing originals, huh?"

"I do. Uh," I cleared my throat. "Who are you?"

"Sorry," He walked closer, extending his hand. "I'm Bruce Smith, I'm the one in charge of One Direction's tour. Well," He chuckled. "Just to find the opening acts. I need at least twenty by the end of the week. And I saved the best for last."

"Uh, can you explain what's going on? I'm confused."

"I brought you two tickets to L.A next week to go meet and perform for One Direction and the team. At the end, we'll be choosing three and the chosen ones will be opening acts for the guys."

"Woah," I smiled. "Are you kidding me?"

"No, it's pretty much real." 

"How long will the tour be? I mean, they haven't announced anything, so I'm curious."

"You're a fan, huh?" He chuckled. "Eight months and if it goes beyond expect, it will be expanded to a few more cities, so probably ten months. If your a minor we will need your parents or legal guardians to sign a sheet, but that will be further on." He explained, using hand gestures.

"Oh my God," I took a deep breath. "Thank you for this shot. I'll see you next week then." He nodded and left the room. I stood there with the plane tickets in my hand. This was not only a shot for everyone to know my name, but a shot to be with Harry and maybe, just maybe this was fate leading me the way.

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