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In Hastinapur ---

Gandhari walks to her brother's chamber slowly, wondering how she should confront her brother... the very same brother who loved her more than himself, who was willing to do anything to see her happy.

She knocks on the door and waits for an answer. When she receives no answer she turns around to leave wondering where Shakuni could be at that moment. She couldn't delay this issue anymore. 

Just then a maid comes rushing to her and whispers something in her ears. She nods.

At the Palace Entrance ---

Shakuni walks towards King Dhritarashtra's chamber thinking of a new plot to push the Sons of Pandu away from the throne of Hastinapur that rightfully belonged to his nephews.

Just then he spots a few soldiers wearing blue armors and capes, much unlike the red ones worn by the soldiers here in Hastinapur. He notices a chariot in front of the palace and feels elated seeing Gandhar's flag hoisted on it.

"Surprising! They are soldiers from Gandhar!"

He rushes to the entrance to see the soldiers carrying boxes.

"With so many boxes! I wonder what father has sent from Gandhar," He rushes down the main steps to get a closer look and is shocked seeing his own possessions placed in the boxes. The soldiers start placing the boxes in the chariot.

He feels his anger bubbling and demands, "Who gave you men the authority to place my possessions here?"

The soldiers look down wary of Shakuni. Just then Shakuni hears a voice behind him, " I have." Shakuni turns around slowly, very well recognizing the voice as Bhishma's.

Bhishma takes a few steps towards Shakuni, towering over him. He says, " These soldiers will take you to Gandhar, King Shakuni."

Shakuni plasters a fake smile on his face and bows down, as a sign of respect. He lets out an unsure laugh and asks, "Greetings Grandsire Bhishma... why does it seem like you are mocking me by addressing me as a King? I am a mere Prince"

Bhishma laughs and shakes his head, " I am not mocking you, I am informing you that your father, King of Gandhar, has decided to step off his throne and take sanyaas, Which is why I addressed you as a King."

Shakuni looks on shocked, "Father? Father is taking sanyaas?? How did you receive this news, Grandsire?" Bhishma shakes his head and replies, "I didn't. In fact it was I who sent me a message this morning, saying that it was time he renounced the throne... and that he should declare his son, that is you as his successor."

Shakuni grits his teeth and looks away feeling irritated at Bhishma's interference. He would have to put all his strategies and plans on hold for the time-being. Bhishma folds his hands across his chest and looks at Shakuni who refuses to meet his eyes.

" and Gandhar is not courageous enough to disobey my order." Bhishma threateningly adds, which intimidates Shakuni even further.

Shakuni clears his throat and hesitantly asks, "and... what may be the reason for your...kind mercy?"

Bhishma replies immediately, almost as though he had already anticipated this question," The reason is that it has always been deemed fit that a King should reside in his Capital city. Your soldiers are ready to escort you to Gandhar."

Shakuni's eyes widen as Bhishma gestures towards the exit. He gulps and takes a few steps back towards the castle saying, "Maybe... First I should ask King Dhritarashtra for permi-" Bhishma interrupts him, "That won't be needed, I have already taken his consent." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2016 ⏰

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