The Unfortunate Sisters

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On the day of the marriage in Hastinapur ---

All subjects and nobles are present in the wedding hall of Hastinapur, to witness the wedding of their Prince Vichitravirya. 

The rituals are being performed. The priest takes a seat, "It is time for the vows to begin. Please ask Princess Ambika and Princess Ambalika to take a seat next to Prince Vichitravirya." 

Satyavati nods and is about to bring the Princesses into the hall when suddenly-

" The bride is here, oh great Bhishma!" 

Everyone gives way and Amba walks up to Bhishma. Her clothes are tattered and her eyes are red. Everyone is shocked including Bhishma and Satyavati. 

Amba says,"I have come to get married in Hastinapur." 

Satyavati asks, "Who are you?" 

Amba replies, "I am the unfortunate daughter of Kashi, the Eldest, whose dreams and wishes got trampled on by the great Bhishma. "

Bhishma calmly says, "Princess Amba, I had given you freedom to go to King Shalva" 

Amba replies, " But you defeated him Bhishma! In front of all! When I went to him, he told me, I am just a useless possession, not his wife, not his lover, not a woman, JUST A USELESS POSSESSION, a reminder of his disgrace! King Shalva told me that since you had won me, only you have any right over me." 

Bhishma says, "Whatever I did was with a pure heart Amba, I am not at fault. They say that whoever comes for a swayamvar comes without any pre-decisions in mind. What has happened to you is wrong and you have my sympathy! I myself will come with you to King Shalv -  " 

Amba screams , "NO! In a marriage the man seeks the woman, he begs for the woman and not the other way. Great Bhishma, now I will only ever get married to the person who won me and that is you, son of Ganga, BHISHMA !ONLY YOU! " Everyone is shocked . Satyavati stands up in anger.   

Bhishma stands up and says, " Whatever valor I showed on that day was for Hastinapur. I am the servant of the throne of Hastinapur and all my actions are for the throne."  

Amba laughs and says, "A fisherman catches the fish, and somebody else eats it

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Amba laughs and says, "A fisherman catches the fish, and somebody else eats it. Maybe that tradition began when Hastinapur let a fisher woman become Royal Mother." Amba looks at Satyavati who looked to be fuming in anger.

Suddenly a minister present tells, "Princess Amba, you will be punished for insulting the Royal Mother Satyavati " 

Satyavati says, "Minister, let the Princess speak, even though what she speaks is untrue at least her pain is for real." 

Amba replies, "What I say is untrue? And you are the judge of that? When the crime has been committed by Bhishma."

Satyavati looks at Bhishma and then tells Amba, "Bhishma went to your swayamvar on my orders Princess. I was the one who sent Bhishma to Kashi, to get you three sisters married to my son, and I welcome you to marry Vichitravirya even now." 

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