One night love

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That night in the Gardens ---

Satyavati, Bhishma, Ambika, Ambalika, Vidur, Dhritarashtra, Shakuni and Gandhari are all standing by the flower beds just after dinner. They are all waiting for Pandu to arrive with his two wives. Just then Pandu comes hand in hand with Madri. They all look around to see whether Kunti came with them. But saw no one. 

(King Pandu and his second wife Madri---)

Ambalika asks Pandu, " Son? Where is Kunti? " Pandu replies," um

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Ambalika asks Pandu, " Son? Where is Kunti? " Pandu replies," um.... " Madri says, " Uh... actually I went to sister Kunti but- "

Kunti cuts her off , " I am right here Madri " Madri frowns and Kunti smiles sweetly. 

Ambalika whispers to Ambika, " Sister.... I thought Kunti would be too sad to come but I think she has started to accept Madri like her own sister " Ambika replies, " No, Kunti is still very sad but she has hidden her pain behind her words... " 

Ambalika says, " No sister, I see only good now " Ambika replies, " You trust your eyes Ambalika.... I have learnt from my son that eyes are not very trustworthy , just because you can't see the pain does not mean there is no pain. "  Little do they know that Kunti had overheard everything and now was even more sad than before. At this time Pandu is talking to Shakuni.

Pandu goes to Dhritarashtra and says, " Greetings brother! " Dhritarashtra nods in reply. Pandu says, " I seek your blessings brother... " Dhritarashtra replies, " Pandu, both Hastinapur and I are very proud of your victory! " Pandu says, " Even I am proud of my victory!! " Shakuni hears all of this and thinks that now it will be easy to plant hatred in Dhritarashtra's mind and make him go against Pandu.

Dhritarashtra gets angry thinking that now Pandu has become arrogant and thinks that he is the greatest of them all. 

Dhritarashtra gives a forced out smile and then turns to leave when Pandu announces for everyone to hear, " On this occasion of victory I wish to make an announcement, From childhood I have always seen only one warrior in front of me, one who has never accepted defeat, one who has always struggled, one who has crossed all his limitations and has become a great man today! "

Shakuni turns to look at Bhishma knowing that Pandu is talking about Bhishma. Everyone is curiously waiting for Pandu to continue. Pandu says, " On every step of war I have only been motivated by one warrior and I have always tried to become as great as him...... That warrior is my life's biggest inspiration!!! " Pandu turns back and says, " My elder brother Dhritarashtra!! "

Everyone smiles at the love between the two brothers even Kunti. Dhritarashtra can't believe his ears, " Pandu?? " Pandu replies, " Yes brother! This victory is yours.... only yours!!! " 

Dhritarashtra's eyes fill with tears as he spreads his arms beckoning his brother. Pandu rushes forward and hugs him tightly. Shakuni is not happy with all this, he frowns deeply and catches Bhishma staring at him intently. Shakuni immediately starts smiling and nods at Bhishma.

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