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The Pandavas enter the dining hall and are immediately hit by the aroma of food. Bheem rubs his belly already feeling hungry . He is not the only one, even the other four are mesmerized by the smell of all the different types of food. They stop at the dining table that is so so so very long. Then realize that a hundred and five boys need to be seated so it has to be long.

Bheem's eyes wander over all the varieties of food. Laddoos, Puris, rice, fruits, curry... Bheem turns to ask Yudhisthir, " Brother... whom is this grand feast arranged for?? " Yudhisthir chuckles and replies, " This is not a grand feast Bheem.. this is the amount they make everyday in the palace because they have to feed the royal family, the guards, the servants, the council of ministers and also visitors. Unlike in the forest where it used to be only us five, mother Madri , mother Kunti and father. " Bheem nods and replies, " Which means that now everyday i will be able to fill my stomach completely! " 

Arjun, Nakul and Sahadev start laughing. Arjun says, " Wherever we are you somehow find a way to make your stomach full! " Nakul laughs and says, " You should say that now even we four will get a full meal!! " Bheem acts shocked and asks, " So didn't I give you a full meal ever before?? " Nakul and Sahadev try to control their laughter. Bheem says, " Nakul. Don't make me angry now!" Nakul gets scared and nods immediately. Bheem smirks

Bheem says, " Now go and count how many dishes are there on the table... " Nakul and Sahadev walk forward and start counting the number of different dishes kept on the dining table. Meanwhile all the Kauravas also come into the hall and have a plan for the Pandavas. They stand silently behind the Pandavas waiting for the right time. The Pandavas are unaware of their presence being too busy ogling the food. Yudhisthir notices the Kauravas but does not show it. 

Nakul and Sahadev excitedly start counting all the dishes kept while Bheem watching at a distance already feels like grabbing the food and starting. A servant passes Bheem with a plate of laddoos. Bheem stops her and takes a laddoo off the plate. Just as he is about to take a bite Dushhasan shouts, " STOP! " 

Nakul  and Sahadev stop counting and turn back to see their cousins standing looking at them in shock. Slowly Arjun, Yudhisthir and Bheem also turn back. Bheem frowns seeing Dushhasan. Dushhasan walks up to Bheem and asks, " What are you doing??!!! how can you eat before seeking permission?!! " Bheem gets confused and asks, " Permission?? from whom?? don't tell me i have to ask you... " Dushhasan frowns and shakes his head saying, " There you go! these forest dwellers don't even know the rules of the palace! " Bheem frowns. 

One of the other Kaurava boy says, " That is what happens when you live with animals your whole life... " All the Kauravas start laughing loudly.

Once the laughter dies down Dushhasan says, " But they are our brothers... is what mother Gandhari says, so we will have to teach them... " Dushhasan smiles and turns around pointing to a person sitting on the floor with a shawl covering his face and rest of the body. Dushhasan says, " Look who is sitting there. " The Pandavas see a man sitting on the floor but cannot see his face which is covered.

Arjun gets curious and asks, " Who is that? " Dushhasan smirks with a glint of mischief in his eyes but replaces it with innocence and goes to the man sitting on the floor. He politely asks, " Sir.. Can I have one laddoo? "  The man nods still covering his face. Dushhasan says thank you and walks back to Bheem grabbing the laddoo from his hand and eating it while Bheem is angry that Dushhasan snatched away his laddoo. Dushhasan says, " If you want a laddoo you can go and ask permission from the minister... Go... " 

Bheem frowns and looks at his elder brother silently asking if he should do what Dushhasan says or not. Yudhisthir looks at the minister and nods slightly, a little hesitant himself.

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