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Precap :

The guard turns to Bheem and says, " The ceremony has not been conducted yet, " Bheem looks at Duyodhan with a huge smile on his face. Duryodhan recovers from his initial shock and says in authority, " I do not need a ceremony for that! It is me who has the right to the thone of hastinapur and that is my birthright. " The pandavas frown at Duryodhan. It is their elder brother Yudhisthir who is the eldest among Kurus and deserves the throne... 

Suddenly a voice is heard from behind, " Duryodhan. " 

Now on with the story ---

" Duryodhan. " All the boys turn around to see Bhishma walking towards them. The Pandavas smile seeing their grandfather while Duryodhan gulps nervously. what if Bhishma had heard him?

Bhishma says, " All 105 of you are the future of our dynasty.... The one who is most capable will become the king irrespective of age or birth.... it is better not to show off before your time has come. " Duryodhan looks down in shame and nods. Whatever he does the one thing that he could never do was insult or disagree with his grandfather Bhishma. The respect and love for Bhishma in Duryodhan could not be matched by anyone. 

Bhishma smiles and points towards Yudhisthir and says, " Yudhisthir is the eldest among all of you... firstly all of you will greet Yudhisthir. " Duryodhan scowls but does not argue. Dushhasan and the other boys look scared while Bheem, Arjun, Nakul and Sahadev immediately smile in joy. This is how it should be. 

Seeing that none of the sons of Dhritarashtra are doing what he says Bhishma tells again, " Duryodhan. Dushhasan. Now. This is my order. " Duryodhan grits his teeth but goes to Yudhisthir and bends down touching his feet as Bhishma had told him. Seeing that their elder brother touched Yudhisthir's feet all the other 99 brothers also do the same. 

Duryodhan can no more bear this insult, but he knows that he can never go against the wishes of Bhishma. Just then Shakuni comes and stands next to Bhishma. Bhishma looks at Shakuni with suspicion. Shakuni smiles at him and turns to Duryodhan saying, " Come on my child... I have some work with you " Duryodhan wastes no time in walking away with his uncle Shakuni away from the Pandavas.

All the rest of the Kauravas also go inside the palace back to doing whatever they were doing. Bhishma looks at the Pandavas one more time and then walks away. The guards take the Pandavas inside the palace to show them around. The guards help them change into princely attire discarding their old clothes but Arjun stops the guard saying, " No uncle... those our the memories we have from our time with our family as a whole, don't throw them away! " The guard neatly folds the clothes and gives them back to the boys.

The guards then proceed to show the boys their new room. The boys stare in awe at the huge room with five beds placed in a circle. The boys walk into the room and see their aunt Gandhari laughing and talking with their mother. There is another lady who they don't recognize also standing with them. Nakul and Sahadev run to Kunti and hug her from behind. Taken by surprise Kunti stumbles forward laughing. Nakul asks Gandhari, " Aunt is this our room???! " Gandhari smiles and replies, " Yes my child... did you like it? " 

Nakul jumps onto Gandhari's lap and hugs her tight saying, " Yes! Yes! Yes!! " Kunti and Gandhari laugh while Gandhari just pats Nakul's back. 

Gandhari sighs and says, " How I wish you all came home sooner... " Kunti frowns but does not reply. Nakul who is still sitting on Gandhari's lap asks, " Mother... who is this? " Kunti smiles and says, " This is Sugda... my friend. When I came here first your father had to go for war for many months... that time I became very close to your aunt Gandhari and Sugda... " 

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