Chapter 19

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Chapter 19
I stood in my room, showing off outfits for tonight to Allie who lied on her bed watching me.
"Okay, what about this one?" I asked her with a huff. Trying on clothes took effort.
She looked down at me, eyeing my jean covered legs and a white tank top.
"Mmm, what are you tryin' to achieve?" She asked.
"I'm trying to catch the hottest fish in this club and -."
"And make Archie jealous," she added before I could finish.
I realized how horrible it sounded but desperate times call for desperate matters.
"Look, I don't expect you to approve, you know, because he's your brother and -."
"No, I get it," she jumped in again making me frown.
"You do?"
She nodded, "yeah, I would be doin' the same thing. Just because Archie's your mate doesn't mean that you have to be with him. You should have a choice too."
I smiled, feeling less crap than I did before.
"Are you going to do that when you find your mate or are just going to give in to him?" I asked.
She shrugged, "I don't know. Findin' your mate affects everyone differently. Like my brothers, it's normally makes people go crazy and loose control over their wolves. I'm worse than them when it comes to controllin' our wolves. I'm not as bad as Malcolm but, aye, I think I would go crazy too."
All I took out of that was I'm not as bad as Malcolm.
"Malcolm seems most human out of all of you," I stated.
"That's because he is," she told me, "he turned away from his wolf. So basically, he has the same strength as he normally did but he can't shift, or won't shift."
I frowned, "why did he turn away from his wolf?"
She was silent, licking her lips as she thought.
"You know what, I would rather watch you try on those shorts than talk about my lonely arse brother."
"Got it," I said bending to pick up my high wasted shorts.
"Have you ever thought how much easier it would be if you just gave in?" Allie asked as I took off my jeans.
I shrugged, "I'm stubborn. Look, Archie's different. I mean, he ticks all the boxes. His good looking, smart, I guess, knows how to get me fired up -."
"And that's what you want in a guy," Allie joked, with those playful eyes.
I shrugged, "opposites attract."
She giggled and shook her head, "you know he's not goin' to go down without a fight. What Archie wants, Archie will get."
I nodded, "I think that's the plan. Okay how's this?"
She tilted her head and looked me up and down.
"Well, you look like a slut," she said.
I smiled, "great, easiest way to catch a fish."
"Or shark."
I giggled at her, "yeah, that too."
"What are you girls gigglin' about?" Graham asked leaning on the doorframe of my room.
I hadn't even noticed he was there.
I watched as his eyes looked me up and down and a wicked grin formed on his lips. Evil filled his eyes before Allie through a pillow at him.
"What?" He yelled at her, shocked from the pillow.
"I knew what you were thinkin' and I wanted you to stop it. She's off the market!" Allie shouted at him, pointing to me.
"Well, like a wolf before me once said, 'she's not his until there's a bite on her neck'," he said as if quoting Shakespeare.
It cause Allie to through another pillow, hitting him in the chest.
"Don't you dare quote him? Hector Macangus is -!"
"God Allie, I was jokin'!" He yelled back at her, causing her to go quiet, "as much as Amy is beautiful, smart and witty, she's not my type."
As much as I thought it was an insult, I was glad. I didn't need two werewolves fighting over me.
"Like you have a type," Allie scoffed.
"I could say the same about -."
"Okay, guys," I said, breaking them up, "I get the picture. Are you comin' out with us?"
"No, you're goin' to human club. As far as I'm concern, they're as borin' as hell," Graham said.
"Whatever, Brother. Amy and I will have fun without you," Allie said, trying to joke around with him but her face showed her hatred of her brother.
Without saying anything, Graham rolled his eyes and pushed off the doorframe and walked away. I felt sorry for Graham, I really did. And I wasn't sure why. He clearly had a lot more than I did when growing up. But he seemed like an outcast to his own family. Malcolm seemed to enjoy it, wished it. But Graham looked as if he wanted to be at the table, he was just never invited.
"You really are mean to him," I told Allie making her eyes roll.
"He puts it on himself," she scoffed, so sure.
"Yeah, I bet he does," I said sarcastically.
"Whatever," she scoffed getting off the bed, "I better go get changed. It's goin' to take me forever to try and reach your standards."
I scoffed not believing her as she walked out of the room.
I felt like I was back at the start again. Boys ruling my heart, nothing else really got in between. I was going through the same thoughts as I normally did before going out. You want this Amy I told myself that's why you're doing this. Because you want this.
We got to the club, just outside of the village, just past eleven. I was quiet the whole trip and allowed Allie and Archie to bitch about Graham. Well, really it was just Allie complaining and Archie listening like me. Graham's character was quickly forming. His trickster personality was probably a cry for help to his siblings. But I allowed them to vent anyway.
We were barely in line for ten minutes before we entered the loud club.
Not as many people filled it than in some clubs I've been to, but it did its purpose. My eyes scanned the room for expecting men, finding about three candidates.
"I'll get the drinks!" Allie yelled over the music before making her way to the bar.
I went to take a step towards the dance floor, when a hand stopped me.
"Remember what we talked about," Archie said leaning into my ear.
"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm here to have a good time."
"Your forgettin', Princess," he started, his voice ruff and full of air, "I can tell when you're lyin'."
My heart started to race and my knees went weak at the thought. Man, I hated that I loved how he controlled me sometimes.
I snatched my arm back and stormed over to the dance floor. I consumed myself in the crowd, shaking my head to the music. I felt hands touch me and bodies bump me but I didn't care. Tonight was about showing Archie that he couldn't control me, but now it was about showing myself that Archie didn't control me. I took the next pair of hands that took my hip and kept them there. The person behind me understood what I wanted and moved in closer so that our bodies danced together. I worked with the beat, welcoming the feel of another person's hands on my body. My eyes flicked up for a second but a second was all I needed to spot Archie in the crowd, doing the same thing that some guy was doing to me to some bimbo. I'm sure she had a nice personality.
His eyes were on mine, trying to see if what he was doing hurt me. The most annoying part was, it fricking did.
I through my head back and groaned, before turning around to the music. I looked up and smiled at the handsome face who was grinding against me. What a good looking fish. He seemed just as happy as I was. I forced a smile on my face but I couldn't quite hold it. Archie was grinding against another chick. Just get him out of your head I told myself.
I was too focused on my thoughts that I hadn't realized that we had turned in the process. I could now see Archie clearly and that hoe bag. He seemed just as happy as I was. But I wasn't just about to give up on this war. I needed to win. And I went for the prize. I cupped the guy's neck with my hand and forced his lips onto mine. He was shocked for a moment before going for it as well. It was okay, I guess. But it sent my stomach stirring with guilt and made me want to be sick. I opened my eyes and I felt my stomach wanting to empty itself. Archie was sucking face with the bimbo. At that, I took my lips back, sucking on them till they felt normal again. They never did.
"Ah, can we go outside?" I yelled over the music.
He shrugged and followed me out of the crowd and across to the door. I welcome the cold night air of Scotland as I rushed out to the cement path in front of the club. I didn't miss the city smell of New York. And when I looked up, I could see all the stars in the sky.
"You okay?"
I jumped at the sound of the guy's voice. It wasn't like Archie's and other's voice. It was more rough and less upper class.
"Ah, yeah," I said, forcing that smile, "I-I just needed some fresh air."
He nodded joining me on the footpath.
"Fresh air's good," he stated, his accent so thick that I almost couldn't understand him.
"Look, I'm sorry for what happened in there," I said in a hurry, "I mean, it's why I came here but –."
"But you changed your mind," he jumped in before I could finish.
I nodded, "My head is so foggy I'm not even sure where to start."
He frowned and I knew I needed to explain.
"Okay, so there's this guy –."
He through his head back and laughed making me frown.
"What's so funny?" I asked.
"Nothin', nothin', it's just, it's always a lad. Please continue," he said, crossing his arms, ready to hear me vent.
"Okay, so he's my sister's boyfriend's/life partner's – whatever you want to call him, brother, right?"
"Okay, when I met him, like four, five days ago, I thought he was – I thought he was an ass," I said making him chuckle, "and then I found out something about him and his family and it freaked the crap out of me. And it all became, I'm his and nobody else's –."
"So in there was, you showin' him that you weren't his?" he asked.
I nodded, "Yeah, I-I guess. That was until I saw him kissing some bimbo in there too."
"Okay, let me get this straight. So he claims that he wants you, you show him that you don't need him, he shows you that he doesn't need you too and now your tellin' me that you want him too."
I nodded and bowed my head feeling like an idiot and his laughing didn't help.
"Look, I think you should go home, sort your life out and then talk to him. Sit him down, be straight with him."
"That's easier said than done. Our talking normally involves us arguing."
"Do you like arguin' with him?" he asked.
I was quiet as I thought about it.
I shrugged, "No, I guess not."
"Well, maybe it's time to change that. Trust me, I had the same problem with my ex when we first started goin' out. It's better to use words than shuttin' each other out."
I nodded, accepting his advice.
"I'll um, see you around," he said, turning around and going the other way.
I stomped my foot on the ground feeling like it was the only way to get rid of energy. I guess it's time to have the 'relationship' talk.

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