Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
I sat on the lounge, watching the next episode of Game of Thrones on my phone. I was trying to avoid everyone. I didn't know how smart my plan was, seeing that I was in the busiest room in the house but at the moment, it was working for me.
I didn't know what to say, to all of them. Little Liv probably hated me for going after her sister, Callum was probably disappointed and Malcolm was pissed at me for leaving him in the forest this morning. And Amy would be scared, pissed and confused. I was quickly starting to realize how dangerous it was for her to know of this life.
Humans were fragile. One super strength punch could but a weight lifter in the hospital. Imagine what it could do to such a small person like Amy. Not to mention what happened almost a year ago.
It was almost a year ago that my family was once again under attack by the Alpha, Nathair Macangus. He was the Alpha that caused the first crack in the glass of my family. The death of our parents. That crack quickly grew when Malcolm lost the love of his life and almost broke all together when he disowned his wolf and turned away from his family. Somehow, it mended when Little Liv came along. Callum opened his arms for Malcolm again and he seemed to want to come back. But he didn't. I mean, he stepped up every time Callum needed him. He protected Liv when none of us could, but then back to that attic he went.
After Nathair's second attack, something changed. Malcolm still held the guilt of Bonnie's death in his heart and still allowed it to consume him but there was still something different. Like he saw Bonnie's death in a different light. When Malcolm left, the crack grew even more. I had asked Callum why he left and what had happened in the tunnels, he explain Malcolm's new light. Bonnie's death wasn't all his fault. In fact it was –
A book replaced my view of my phone. My eyes followed the hand that held it, to the arm, to a shoulder to the pissed off face of Amy. When she knew that I was paying attention, she dropped it in my lap. It was only then that I realised that it was a dictionary.
"What is this?" I asked, taking it in my hands.
"It's a dictionary," she said lightly as if it was the greatest thing on earth.
I rolled my eyes, "I know what it is, but what do you want me to do with it."
"I want you to open it," she stated.
My mate was a smartarse too. Perfect.
"And what word would you like me to look up?" I asked, trying to make my accent thick. I guess I was trying to impress her.
"Turn to page, mmm, 1053."
I did as she asked, curious to where she was going with this.
"Now, read out the definition of the top word."
I narrowed my eyes at her when I realized what word it was.
"Sorry," I pronounced strongly, "pained, regretful, penitent. Feeling pity or sympathy for. Wretched. Of or relating to mournin'."
"Good," she stated as I closed the book, "Now use it in a sentence."
I raised my eyebrows, "are you serious?"
"If you need help, here, I'll help you. Sorry Amy, for scaring the crap out of you and being so out of it that you actually thought I was going to rape you."
My eyes widened. She really was serious.
"okay, that was not what I was doin'," I reassured her.
"That's not what it looked like. I don't know what you call it in Scotland but in America, we call pushing a girl up against a wall, sexual assault," she stated, matter-of-factually.
Be smooth I told myself be smooth
"Well here, we call it a good time," I stated.
She gave a bitter chuckle, "You think you're so charming."
I shrugged, "I've been known to be."
"Is every Scotsman like you?" she asked.
"Like what, a charmer, a enchanter, a –,"
"A manwhore."
My mouth opened to comment but I couldn't even protest. Even my own siblings thought I was a snake. But that's what I wanted them to believe.
She took my silence the wrong way and scoffed before turning towards the door.
"No, wait!" I called, leaping off the lounge.
I had only touched her upper arm when she turned and slapped me. My skin burned under her touch and I was almost too shocked to speak.
"What was that for?" I yelled, now angry that she had gotten the better of me.
"I'm sick of being under minded my guys like you," she snapped through her teeth.
"Guys like me, what –?"
"You think you can do what you want, say what you want and pretty girls will just fall all over you."
I shrugged, "Well, I –."
"You know what," she stopped me, "As if any of this is going into that thick skull of yours."
Just as she went to turn, I took her upper arm and was prepared for another slap. I was surprised when she didn't.
"Do you think so little of me?"
At my words, she frowned, "Archie, I don't even know you."
I went to say something, when she buttered in, "How do your eyes keep doing that?"
I frowned, but I knew what she meant.
"Do what?" I asked.
"Change colour. I swear they just turned gold."
I bit my lip and could only think of the cliché.
"It's just the light."
She looked at me as if I was stupid.
"The light, turns your pale blue eyes to gold?"
Be smooth I told myself.
"Do you like my eyes?" I asked with a cheeky grin trying to throw her off the scent.
She scoffed but her own grin failed her mask.
"Your eyes are the same as your siblings. Pale blue," she stated as her cheeks turned red. She was blushing.
"You're statin' the obvious Princess, not answerin' the question."
The nickname really just came out but suited her well.
Her eyes widened, as if offended, "Princess?"
"Yeah, don't you like that Princess?" I asked.
"Don't called me Princess," she snapped.
God her sass was entertaining.
"What's wrong with Princess?"
"It's something you would call your dog or pet unicorn."
"Somethin' you would call your pet unicorn?" I asked, in disbelief, "What type of friends do you han' around with?"
She opened her mouth to speak but then froze. I frowned when I saw the realisation wash over her face. Something was ticking in her head. Something I had caused.
"Um, Liv. I-I mean, girls like Liv, n-not just Liv. I have plenty of girlfriends. In fact, tones."
If her stuttering didn't give her lie away, her racing heart did. She didn't have any friends.
"Why are you lyin'?" I asked, stopping her rambling.
Her eyes widened and I swear I saw a little chink in her armour.
"I-I'm not lying. You're lying."
I frowned, "that doesn't even make sense."
"Yes it does!" she snapped, "God Archie, don't pry into my life."
"But –."
"Leave me alone," she scoffed before storming down the corridor.
What the hell just happened?

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