We AlL NeeD ZaddY

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   Liam holds his breath as he clicks on the tiny envelope icon. He closes his eyes as he opens the messages and finally dares to look at it. He sees the tiny little icon with BAdmAnMaLiK's face and gets a happy bubbly feeling in his chest.
But that feeling disappears when he reads his answer.
"Not really into all that..." Is all he said.
   Liam tries to understand the meaning behind it but he didn't like what he came up with.
   Why would he even be on this website if he didn't want to be a daddy? Liam wonders. But then he realizes that BAdmAnMaLiK didn't mean he didn't want to be a daddy, he wasn't into HIM.
    Slowly, Liam types out a reply, hoping it would get answered.
    "What ARE you into?" Liam asks curiously. It was a stupid question, but he had to know.
He didn't expect a reply ever but it actually came in a minute or two.
    "Things you shouldn't know about yet that I'll tell you about when you're older," BAdmAnMaLiK replies. "But I actually Won't tell you when you're older cos I'm never gonna actually meet you..." He adds quickly afterwards.
    "But I need you!!" Liam informs him sadly.
    "There's plenty others better than me," BAdmAnMaLiK tells him. "find someone else," he tells him flat out.
    "But I need a daddy and its got to be YOUUUUUUUUU," Liam replies.
    "Is that really necessary?" BAdmAnMaLiK' asks.
    "Please you don't understand! You'd be the perfect daddy for me!!" Liam tells him.
   "I'd think otherwise mate...."
     "Please I can explain," Liam pleads.  
    "I got nothin else to do tonight..."
   Liam took a breath in a tried to concentrate. He wanted a daddy more than ever and this was the perfect time. He can't give up.
    "It's weird but when I first saw your profile I just got this weird feeling and I just felt like you were my daddy and there was this connection and I didn't even care about any of the others because they can't do anything like you could," Liam types out carefully.
     "That's sweet. It really is. But it sounds crazy."
    "I know. You wouldn't understand.... But Please at least give me a try," Liam says. He didn't know how to phrase his thoughts any more and they just came out sounding awkward and needy.
    "Sorry, this ain't my scene, kid'
Liam stares at that message in confusion. 'What did that even mean??' He wonders.
"But you don't even know me!!" Liam types frustratedly and sits back on his bed, staring at the ceiling.
"I know enough and I definitely know you're nowhere near hard enough for me,"
    "But I could be. I can be bad!!," Liam assures him. He could just imagine anyone that knew him laughing if they heard that statement.
     "Cute. But Save your time kid," BAdmAnMaLiK replies. Liam rolls his eyes. It was getting to the point where he didn't even want to continue this conversation.
. "I'm not just some little kid!!," Liam replies quickly. "I'm actually a lot more mature than most people me age," he adds proudly but then looks up over his laptop in shock. Did he really just say that? All his life he despised the idea of being big and grown up and now he was bragging about being more grown up then most normal 16 year olds??
He was a little kid. Not a big kid.
"Really?" BAdmAnMaLiK responds but Liam gets the vibe that he really didn't care and was just tolerating him as long as possible.
    Slowly, the tears finally roll down Liam's cheeks like the showers that are British, unable to be held back any more. He can't take it any more and closes his laptop and falls onto his side, hugging his giant Scooby Doo stuffed toy and crying into its soft fur.
    No one cares about  him. Why would he expect any different from some stupid website and stupid guy he didn't even know.
     Why would anyone want to be my daddy?
   He was an orphan.
   And that's how it would always be, he was sure of it as he sobs his broken heart out.

ZADDY Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora