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Liam checks his iPod again for the millionth time.
Where was Zayn??
     Again, Liam looks around at the few faces sitting at tables around him, laughing and having a grand time.
      Why wasn't he here yet? Did Liam tell him the wrong address? Did something happen to him?? Was he just not gonna show up and leave Liam here all alone??
    A sinking feeling hits Liam as he pouts sadly and a couple tears slowly fall down his cheeks. He had been sitting here for almost and hour and didn't think he needed to wait any longer. He would just get more sad.
    "Liam?" He finally hears a quiet voice ask from behind him. Liam quickly wipes away the few tears and turns around hopefully and sees a thin tan man with a dark beard standing behind him. The face was beautiful and unmistakable.
"DADDY!!" Liam exclaims in disbelief. Excitedly, he jumps up, almost knocking his chair over, and throws his arms around Zayn, who was only a couple inches taller than himself. Zayn laughs and hugs Liam back.
"Hey, Lima bean," Zayn replies with a smile. Liam can't help but notice how good he smells and it only makes him even more happy.
    "I'm sorry I'm so late. I got really lost," Zayn admits with a nervous laugh.
    "Oh that's okay. I'm just so happy you're actually here," Liam tells him with a beaming smile.
"It's so good to finally see you," Zayn sighs. Liam giggles happily. He didn't know what to say so he just stands happily playing with one of his bracelets with a huge happy smile, just enjoying the moment.
    "Did it take you long to get here?" Liam wonders.
    "Eh-like 2 hours or something. It's not a big deal," Zayn shrugs
    "2 hours!!" Liam gasps in shock. He didn't know Zayn lived THAT far away!!
   "It was to see you. I'd do anything," Zayn says with a smirk, repeating Liam's words from last night. Liam can't help but feel warm and fuzzy all over.
    "Oh my fucking god I love this hair," Zayn comments as he runs his fingers through Liam's curly brown mess of hair, playing with his bouncy curls. Liam smiles happily because no one ever says they like his hair.
   "Thanks," Liam squeaks with a smile.
"Oh! Hey, check this out. I got somethin for ya," Zayn says as he reaches into the pocket of his black jacket. Curiously, Liam watches him pull out a small brown object.
"What is it?" Liam wonders impatiently as Zayn hands him a small object. Liam turns it over in his hand and smiles when he sees a tiny little toy dinosaur resting on his palm.
"For me daddy??" Liam asks in disbelief.
"I saw it the other day and it reminded me of you. it's a-"
"Coelophysis!!" They say at the same time then laugh.
    "Yeah," Zayn says with a nod.
     "You remembered," Liam marvels with a happy little smile.
    "Of course. It's your favorite dinosaur! How could I NOT remember?" Zayn asks. "It's kinda a big deal...." He adds.
     "RAWR," Liam says with a smile up at Zayn.
     "RAWR to you to, little guy," Zayn says with a smirk as he rests his hand on Liam's small shoulder. "Come on my scary little dinosaur, let's get some ice cream," Zayn suggests as they finally walk toward the counter.

ZADDY Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora