ThIs shOulDnT exIsT

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"Daddy I'm done with my ice cream," Liam shares as he finishes the last bite of his waffle cone.
"Nice. You actually did eat it all," Zayn replies, clearly impressed.
"I told you I could," Liam reminds him proudly. "But can I go play now?" He asks hopefully.
"Where are you gonna go play?" Zayn wonders worriedly.
"At the bottom of the hill there's a playground and a lot of grass that you can run around on," Liam tells Zayn.
"Yeah you can go play," Zayn accepts with a nod and a smile.
"I don't wanna go alone daddy. Can you come with me?" Liam asks nervously.
"Of course I'll go with you, baby bear," Zayn tells him as he stands up and pushes his chair in. "C'mon," he says as he holds his hand out for Liam to take.
"Yay!!" Liam cries excitedly as they walk to the bottom of the hill.
"Push me on the swings daddy!" Liam pleas as he runs over to a rusty old swing set. He sits on one of the swings and swings his feet under him, excitedly waiting for Zayn who was taking forever to get there.
"Daddy you're taking too long," Liam states.
"Well you know what..." Zayn starts but doesn't finish his thought. He pushes Liam on the swings for a couple minutes until Liam decides to jump off the swing, almost giving Zayn a heart attack.
"What the hell was that for??!" Zayn demands, his heart beating.
"We gotta go down the slide next!" Liam insists and he and Zayn climb to the top of the playground. Liam goes first and waits for Zayn at the bottom of the slide.
"Come on daddy!" Liam urges from far below on the ground.
"I'm coming I'm coming!" Zayn tells him as he ducks his head and tries to go down the slide.
"Oh fuck!! I'm too big for this!!" Zayn cries, his voice echoing from inside the slide. Liam laughs as Zayn finally pulls himself out of the other side.
"Don't you laugh at me!!" Zayn tells him as he wraps his arms around Liam, locking him in a headlock. Liam squeals and tries to break free.
"Daddy no!!!" Liam giggles as Zayn messes up Liam's hair with a laugh and hugs him tightly.
"I don't like being laughed at!" Zayn tells him with a a huge smile while Liam begs to be let go through giggles and laughs.
Finally Liam breaks free from Zayn's embrace and takes off running into a large field.
"Liam!! Hey!! Get back here!" Zayn yells as he rests his hands on his hips and watches Liam run around the field. He sighs and gives up knowing Liam won't listen to him. Zayn sits on the grass and rests his hands on his knees, watching Liam frolic with an amused smirk.
Finally, Liam runs over to him. He wasn't even breathing hard or anything.
"Hi daddy!" Liam greets with a wave.
"Hey donut. What's up?" Zayn replies as he looks up at Liam who stands over him.
"You look sad over here," Liam tells him.
"I'm alright," Zayn assures him with a smile.
"Well You look lonely," Liam comments as he sits down next to Zayn who laughs.
"I'm just enjoying this nice weather," Zayn shrugs. "And it's funny to see you running around like a crazy person," Zayn adds, jokingly leaning into Liam who laughs too.
"I'm not crazy," Liam assures him.
"I'm starting to think otherwise kid..." Zayn admits with a grin.
"But Are you having fun?" Zayn asks.
"Oh I'm having loads of fun!" Liam assures him.
"Running?" Zayn asks in surprise.
"Yeah! I love running it's sooooo much fun!" Liam tells him.
"How is that any fun? You're literally just running in circles," Zayn tells him in confusion.
"I don't know daddy. Try it!!" Liam says as he grabs Zayn's hand and pulls him to his feet. Before Zayn can stop it, Liam starts running, dragging Zayn behind him.
"Stop!! Liam! Stop it!" Zayn cries as he tries to pull away from Liam but can't.
"See daddy! Isn't this fun!" Liam asks, looking back at Zayn who had a much different perspective of it and bates physical activity of any kind.
"Seriously? Are you 3 years old?" Zayn asks, trying to sound strict and authoritative.
"I don't know how old I am!" Liam tells him as he lets go of Zayn and starts running again.
"You are insane..." Zayn mutters under his breath. That much he knew for certain. There was no doubt any more.
     But As crazy as Liam was, Zayn couldn't help but smile and laugh as he watches him run around carelessly and happily without a worry on his mind. And seeing Liam like this was enough to assure Zayn that he loved that kid And his craziness was just what Zayn needed.

ZADDY Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora