"LeAvE it To BiEbEr"

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   Liam and Zayn stand in line behind a few other people, waiting their turn to get their ice cream.
     "Daddy!! I don't know what to get!" Liam shares as he tries to read the many flavors they have to chose from.
     "Get whatever you want baby bear. I'll buy it for you," Zayn tells him as he pulls out his black leather wallet from his ripped black skinny jeans.
    "It's okay daddy. I think I might have some money with me," Liam tells him, digging around in his pocket for a few bills. Zayn looks down at him with an unamused stare.
    "No. Put that away right now. I'm buying this for you okay?" Zayn tells him.
    "Okay daddy. If you say so," Liam shrugs.
    "What do you want?" Zayn wonders.
      "Cookie dough ice cream! It's my favorite," Liam tells him. "With a waffle cone," Liam adds with a big smile.
    "1 or 2 scoops?" Zayn asks.
    "3!!" Liam exclaims with a hopeful smile.
     "3? Hold on. Now that's just crazy..... Can you eat that much?" Zayn asks curiously. Liam nods proudly.
    "I could eat 4!!" Liam boasts proudly.
     "You don't need 4 scoops of ice cream!," Zayn tells him with a grin. "But..... You can have 3 If you promise you really can eat it all," Zayn shrugs.    
     "I can!! I can!!" Liam assures him and Zayn laughs.
     "What are you gonna get daddy?" Liam asks.   
      "I don't know yet. They got a ton of options..." Zayn says as he searches the menu, stroking his beard thoughtfully.
    "You should get the mint chocolate or the cotton candy. They're both really super good," Liam suggests helpfully.
    "Easy. I'll get them both," Zayn concludes with a shrug. Liam giggles. He wasn't so sure those 2 flavors would taste very good together.....
"But you gotta get it with sprinkles daddy. LOTS of sprinkles," Lima tells him.
"Alright. Just Pile them on," Zayn agrees. Liam smiles as Zayn finally gets to the front of the line and orders for both of them.
"Oh! Oh! Daddy Daddy daddy!!" Liam suddenly cries as he grabs on to Zayn's arm excitedly, interrupting him.
     "What, Lima bean?" Zayn asks patiently.    
      "Can I get gummy bears on top of my ice cream???!!!! Please please please??" Liam begs. Zayn glances down at Liam and laughs quietly.
"Make that 3 scoops of cookie dough ice cream with plenty of gummy bears then," Zayn corrects himself. The man behind the counter smiles and hurries to get their orders made.
"Thank you so much," Zayn says with a smile when he takes his ice cream from the old man.
"Don't mention it," he smiles. "My sister's got a kid that's 'special'," he says encouragingly with a smile, glancing over at Liam who was playing with one of the green gummy bears that sat on his ice cream.
"Oh yeah. Well... This one here's extra-special," Zayn says jokingly as he hooks his arm around Liam's neck making him squeak in surprise with an adorable little smile up at Zayn.
"You boys have A good day," the old man says with a friendly smile.
"You too," Zayn replies kindly.
      "Today's gonna be the best day ever!!" Liam Says happily  as he and Zayn take their ice cream outside onto the back patio.

ZADDY Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora