Lying HERE i CouNt The HouRs

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Liam wakes up before 5 o'clock the next morning. He was sooo excited and way too nervous to fall back asleep. He lay in bed, smiling happily as he hugs Blue, his stuffed koala friend. Just 7 more hours to go.... He had waited so long already; he didn't think he could hold out until lunch time.
After some time, Liam gets up and turns on his lamp light so the room wouldn't be to bright and hurt his sensitive, tired eyes.
Liam walks to his closet and digs through his small collection of clothes, searching for one thing in particular. Finally, he picks out his favorite green polo and slips it over his crazy, tangled hair that stuck up in every direction. He would worry about that later......
      He adjusts his favorite shirt carefully in the mirror then smiles at himself. He hopes his daddy liked it as much as he did. He was so excited. He couldn't stop thinking about Zayn and everything about him.
     He was so cool whenever he talked to him on Skype,  Liam couldn't even imagine meeting him in real life. He would probably die.....
       Suddenly, an amazing idea pops into Liam's head. He should get something to give to his daddy!!
But what??
    He didn't have any money and he couldn't go to a store before lunch time......  But he didn't need to buy anything. A homemade gift would be even more special and meaningful.
     And a drawing was the best thing he could think of.
     He searches for a piece of paper and sits down at his desk, searching for his markers and colored pencils.
    He wasn't the best artist in the world, but he loved drawing and knew the perfect picture.
    He would draw a picture of him and Zayn eating ice cream together.
    Quickly, Liam sketches out a quick outline of them sitting at the ice cream shop, working out all the details. Liam pauses hesitantly when he had to draw in the clothes. He gave himself a green polo and khakis, but he didn't know what clothes Zayn usually wore. Every time he saw him, he wasn't wearing a shirt....
      So Liam just decides to give him a red shirt. Red was a good color for Zayn.
     Liam pours his heart and soul into the drawing, trying his hardest to make the figures look like himself and his daddy.
    When he had finally finished and colored it all in, he sits back and takes in his artwork.
    Wow. It was terrible.
     Liam sighs sadly and shakes his head, crumpling the piece of paper up and throwing it to the side frustratedly. Why could he never draw what he wanted and make it look good?
    He was so ashamed of himself. Zaddy deserved better than his crappy art skills and Liam wished he could give him more than this. But it was all he had so he hesitantly picks the paper up and Uncrinkles it, setting it back on the desk.
It wasn't that bad a drawing..... But he would be brave and give it to his daddy. He was sure Zayn would love it no matter how bad it was.

I'm so excited for the next couple chapters!! thanks for reading,  ;)

ZADDY Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora