DynamIcs of ProfiT-basEd AccOunTinG

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  "What do kids even do at sleepovers?" Zayn wonders as they walk into the parking lot.
    "You've never been to a sleepover daddy?!" Liam wonders in surprise.
    "No," Zayn replies. "I mean- I've had 'grown up' sleepovers, but those are probably a little different," Zayn admits with a crooked smile.  
    "Daddy!!" Liam gasps in shock. Zayn laughs and shrugs casually.
    "You asked," he reminds Liam who sighs and shakes his head.
   "We're probably gonna do what we always do. Though," Liam quickly changes the subject.
"What do you usually do?" Zayn wonders.
"I don't know. We Talk, play video games, go to the lake, eat a lot of food, watch a movie or somethin," Liam shares.
    "Nice," Zayn nods as he stops next to a shiny black Harley Davidson motorcycle.
"You Have a motorcycle daddy?!" Liam gasps in amazement.
"Yeah," Zayn replies with a simple shrug.
"Wow..." Liam gasps in awe. 
"Bet you didn't know your daddy was this cool, huh?" Zayn says jokingly as Liam stands speechless.
"want a ride?" Zayn asks with a grin.
"Yeah," Liam beams up at him excitedly.
"Alright. It'll have to be short cuz you gotta go to your friend's house," Zayn tells him as he picks up his helmet and hands it to Liam.
"You gotta wear this," he instructs.
"But daddy! What about you?" Liam asks, worriedly staring up at him.
"I'm more concerned with your safety then my own, baby doll," Zayn tells him as he rests his hand against Liam's cheek affectionately. "But I'll be fine. Trust me. I never ride with a helmet," he adds.
"If you say so daddy...." Liam mutters trustingly as he takes the helmet and holds it carefully between his hands. He shakes his head a few times and pushes his hair away from his eyes then puts the helmet on. It was a little too big but it was okay.
"How do I look?" He asks with a joking smile, his voice muffled by the helmet.
"Adorable. Now come on, let's go," Zayn replies with a grin as he straddles his bike and Liam climbs on behind him.
"You need to hold on to me the whole time. Got it?" Zayn states seriously as he looks back at Liam who nods. "No matter what happens, don't let go of daddy," Zayn repeats.
"Don't worry daddy. I won't," Liam smiles. His heart was beating faster and he couldn't tell if it is from excitement or fear.
"And if it ever gets too fast or scary or you don't like it any more, tell me, okay?" Zayn adds. Liam sighs boredly.
"Daddy.... I'll be okay," he assures him bravely.
"I'm sorry. I always forget that you're a tough little guy," Zayn says jokingly.
Liam smiles as he wraps his arms tightly around Zayn's middle as the motorcycle roars to life.
A twinge of fear hits Liam at the sound of the loud engine. Never in his life did he think he would ever ride a motorcycle! But the fear was so exciting, so exhilarating that he loved it.
As Zayn pulls out of the driveway, Liam rests the side of his head in the groove between Zayn's shoulder blades and smiles happily. He wasn't scared any more and he trusted that his Daddy would take care of him and wouldn't let anything ever hurt him.


"What'd you think?" Zayn asks as he helps Liam off the motorcycle.
    "It was loud," Liam admits with a grin. Zayn laughs and agrees.
     "Were you scared at all?" Zayn asks.
     "A little bit. But then I wasn't cuz I trust you," Liam tells him. "And it was a lot of fun!!" Liam explains with a beaming smile.
    "Good. I'm glad you liked it," Zayn smiles.
    "I felt quite bad ass too," Liam adds. Zayn gasps and stares at him with wide eyes.
    "Lima bean..." He trails off in complete surprise. Liam shrugs with a grin.
    "You've said worse," He says as if it's no big deal.
    "I know but..." Zayn trails off. Liam loved the surprised look on Zayn's face. He giggles innocently and adjusts his backpack and starts walking up to Niall's front door.
    "Damn...." Zayn mutters as a grin grows on his beautiful face.
    "Wait, You're not gonna say good bye or anything?" He asks sadly, holding his arms out.
    "Oh no!! I forgot!" Liam admits sadly as he runs back to Zayn and throws his arms around his middle. Zayn laughs and hugs Liam back.
    "Am I really that easy to forget?" He asks with a disappointed pout. 
    "No daddy," Liam assures him. "I just forgot that you were leaving," he explains.
    "Yeah I'm not going to your sleepover with you," Zayn tells him.
     "you should!!" Liam suggests excitedly.
     "No!" Zayn repeats. "That is not my scene, kid," he tells him. Liam laughs and rests his head against Zayn's chest happily.
"Today was the best day ever daddy. Thank you so much," Liam tells him.
"Hopefully we can do this again, yeah," Zayn tells him.
"Tomorrow!!" Liam suggests excitedly.
"I got stuff I gotta do tomorrow, remember?" Zayn tells him.
"Oh. yeah," Liam remembers sadly.
"But hey. We'll see each other again soon," zayn says as he rests his finger under Liam's chin.
"But I mean, Skype me. Snapchat me. Message me. Call me. Whatever, alright?" Zayn tells him. Liam nods.
"Alright. I gotta go. Have fun tonight okay," Zayn says as he leans forward and kisses Liam's forehead.
"Okay daddy," Liam agrees. "Bye! I love youuuuuuu!! Liam says as he turns and runs up to the Horan's front door. He turns and waves as Zayn pulls out of the driveway and drives down the street. Liam sighs happily. Today was the best day ever.

ZADDY Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora