Its only awkArD if You make it AwkwarD

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"Anybody sitting here?" Harry asks. Liam glances up at him then over at the empty seat next to him. He wanted to say 'yes' and be left alone, but instead he says "no".
Harry sets his stuff on the table and sits down next to Liam.
"Hi," he says with a smile.
"Hey," Liam mutters, pretending to be more interested in his book than his friend. Harry sighs and rearranges his pencils on the table.
"So...." Harry trials off awkwardly after a minute of silence between them. "How'd you do on that history test?" He wonders.
"I got an A," Liam mumbles.
"Of course," Harry smiles playfully.
"How bout you?" Liam asks, still looking at his book.
"I scored a B," Harry admits. "Actually, it was a 86," Harry clarifies.
"So close...." Liam comments.
"I know!! If I would have got at least 2 more questions right, I would've got an A!!" Harry complains frustratedly.
"A B's still good though," Liam reminds him.
"That's what you say now but if you ever get a B you would kill somebody!!" Harry tells him. Liam can't help but grin because he knows that would be true......
"Hey, I wanna say sorry for yesterday. I was kinda being a real jerk to you," Harry admits.
"It's okay," Liam assures him.
"So um.... How's that... Whole relationship going?" Harry wonders.
"I talked to him yesterday," Liam admits timidly staring down at his notebooks.
"Really?" Harry asks.
"Yeah. It was our first time seeing each other and talking," Liam adds, feeling slightly guilty for all the things he said about Harry.
"That's cool," Harry comments.
"It was so nice to finally hear his voice," Liam admits with a small smile. "It's so pretty."
"Finally? You act like it's been a year since you've known each other and haven't seen each other," Harry says jokingly.
"It feels like it's been forever!!" Liam says with a laugh. "But He's super nice and sweet and he's SO funny and I think he actually really does like me a lot," Liam says, giving Harry an 'I-told-you-so' type of look.
"You never showed me a picture of him the other day. by the way," Harry reminds Liam. "Of BAdmAnMaLiK ," he adds for clarification.
"Hey, you remembered," Liam says with a pleased smile as he pulls out his iPod. They technically weren't aloud to have phones in school, but it was study hall and everyone did it as long as they wouldn't get caught.
"His name's Zayn. but I don't call him that," Liam tells Harry as he looks for a good picture of his daddy. Every picture of him was good, but he wanted to find the perfect one.
"Here's a good one," he says as he hands Harry his iPod to show him the selfie he got earlier that morning.
"Oh.... Wow...." Harry says in surprise when he sees the amazing Zelfie.
"I don't know why, but he sent me that this morning before he went to work," Liam says as he quickly tucks his iPod in his bag before the teacher saw it.
"And I bet you weren't upset about that," Harry says jokingly.
"Not at all...." Liam admits with a Laugh.
"So when are you two gonna meet in person?" Harry wonders curiously.
"Oh my god I haven't even thought of that yet!!"Liam gasps in surprise. "I hope it can be soon. But I don't know how. My parents would never let me see him if they knew..." Liam realizes sadly with a sigh.
"Hey, it'll be okay Li. You'll find a way," Harry assures him. Liam smiles also at the thought. He would love to meet his daddy in person one day.

ZADDY Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora