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So, I've really liked this story, and I'm debating on a sequel. 

I wanted to do one; thus the vague ending.

Anyway, after Sophia's death, does Matt spiral downward into his own personal hell?

Or, does he find comfort is Soph's friend Anne? And if so, do they live happpily ever after never giving their lost friend a second thought?

Or am I just a liar? 


Anyway. I want to do a sequel; but I want your opinion on if I should. Did you guys enjoy this story enough to want a second installment.? Tell me what you think, kiddies.<3

Oh, and, sorry for being a bitch lately and discontinuing my other stories. I've just been dealing with some things and it's best to kind of...put them aside atm. 

Don't hate me.

Let's do this shit. -T.

Don't you ever let me go. [Matt Flyzik]Where stories live. Discover now