Chapter 10

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When i woke up this morning i was still upset from what had happened between me & Justin last night.
I couldn't help but think of the baby. Abortion seems the easiest way to this, but i could never just kill the baby. I wouldn't be able to live with the guilt, nor would i be able to lie to Ryan and the baby, and let Ryan father Justin's child. I just wouldn't be able to do that.
I laid my head back down on the pillow feeling frustrated just from thinking about it.

After getting a shower and cleaning up, I cooked some breakfast and began to pick out my outfit tonight.
Today marks day 25 of being pregnant. I'm soon going to start popping out, and people will no doubt start to ask questions.

At 3 o'clock, i started to apply my make up. A light layer of foundation, small amount of a light brown eyeshadow and some dark black mascara. Pink lip gloss to completely top off the look.
As for my outfit, i had a pretty floral crop top and a high waisted purple skirt that was short and flirty, paired with some sandal flip flops and i was ready to go.
My hair was getting longer, it fell just above my waist. The light curls really shortened the length but i never ever straightened my hair.

3:43 and i was getting anxious and excited for tonight. I was curious about where Ryan was taking me for supper and what would we do after wards.
The clock ticked slowly, and i stepped outside the door at 3:56, Ryan should here any minute.
Justin pulled up while i was outside waiting. Shit. He looked at my slyly. Checking me out completely.
" Where are you going? " He sung out from on his doorstep.

I ignored him, keeping my head low.

" Look Jess, it was only a question. "

I looked over at him and i couldn't help but bite my lip at how good he looked in the jacket he got for Christmas last year. " I'm going out, " i answered.

He looked up in the sky with a saucy smirk on his face. " With Ryan? " He said licking his lips.

I looked down at my feet, praying that Ryan would pull up and i wouldn't have to answer any more of his questions.

" I'm sorry Justin but i don't see why it matters to you anymore. "

" It was just a question Jess, " he answered. " Just because we're split up for a while, doesn't mean we can't still talk every now and again. I don't hate you Jess. I hurt you and i know that, i'm sorry. But that does not mean you didn't hurt me too. " He said walking back into his place and slamming the door behind him.

I felt horrible now, I never thought of me hurting him, I never pictured myself as the bad one or the one to blame.
2 minutes later, Ryan's car pulled up and i walked down the stairs carefully trying not to trip in my shoes.
I sat in the passenger seat and greeted him with a smile. He leaned over and kissed me on the lips, roughly biting my bottom lip.
" Hey Jess, " he said laying his hand on my bare leg.

" Hey! "

" I got us a table at the Olive Garden but the reservation isn't until 5:30, What do you want to do until then? "

I played with the frills on the end of my skirt, " I think i have an idea. "

He pulled down an old road that let to the beach. We parked in an empty parking lot until a big oak tree and watched the waves crash up on the shore. I crawled over the front seat and sat on him the wrong way, i began to kiss him passionately and gently. Our tongues crashed together, and after 10 minutes he got much more rougher with me.
I liked it this way, it made me feel like i was floating, the way he kissed me gave me that level of high. Our bodies grinded together heavily.
Minutes passed quickly when i was with him, and i feel like i never want to leave.
Falling in love seemed perfect, perfect to the point where you think about nothing and nobody else. Kissing them gives you that high that you never felt before, there's no other way to describe it but perfect.

He threw me down on the back seat and our bodies crashed together, he was on top of me making it hard for me to move, i moaned loudly feeling sky high at this point. I smiled under the kiss, breathing heavily.
He ripped my shirt off pulling it violently over my head, i did the same to him. He unbuckled his pants and them in front.
He thrusted into me hard, causing loud moans to escape from my mouth, i gripped his strong arms tightly, moaning louder with every thrust.
" Fuck, " he whispered breathlessly.

He leaned back on the seat, stroking my bare stomach gently, causing me to have goosebumps and chills. I still breathed heavily, amazed at how good that felt.
My heart was beating violently. He stared down at me, " Jess, you're amazing. " He kissed my lips over and over again causing them to turn red.
Catching my breath i kissed him back, cupping my hands under his chin. I entered my tongue into his mouth getting one last taste before it was time to go. " I love you, " i whispered. Shocked at my own words.

He moved my hair back behind my ears, feeling down the edge of my face.
" I love you too. "

So, what do you guys think!? I was pretty surprised at this chapter myself.
Don't forget to vote comment & share! Thanks for all your reads and feedback guys:) i should have a new chapter up real soon!
Have a good day!

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