Chapter 86

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Justin's POV

It was early in the morning when i woke up. I wish i could have slept in because it's days like these that usually drag me out the most. The sun is shining brightly in through the window and my eyes were only fluttering open when the smell of coffee filled the room. I walked out to the small living area and sat on the couch next to Scooter and a girl i wasn't familiar with.

She had a huge smile on her face when i took a seat on the couch across from her. Her eyes were a bright blue and her hair was dark.

"Justin, this is Sam. She's the tours photographer."

She smiled and held her hand out to me. "It's a pleasure to meet you!"

I shook her hand feeling a little awkward. I wasn't wearing my shirt and she was eyeing my stomach, i could easily tell.

"Yeah, nice to meet you!" I answered, hoping i never sounded too uninterested.

She sipped on the coffee that Scooter handed to her and watched me as i drank mine. I wanted so badly to tell her to stop staring at me but that would make the situation even more awkward than it already was.

"What's on today's agenda?" I asked, breaking the silence between all of us in the room.

"Well, we're going over to the stadium around 1, you have costume fittings first then a dress rehearsal and then Meet and Greets then it's showtime."

I nodded and got up from my chair knowing it would probably be in my best interest to go get a shower and call Jess before things got hectic.

"Morning!" I smiled, wishing she could know how happy i was to hear her voice.

"Good morning!" She answered.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Good, how'd you sleep?" She asked.

"Alright, but it was weird cause you weren't there." I answered, being honest.

She giggled through the receiver of the phone. I missed hearing that all the time, i need her here with me.

"You sound tired."

"I am, i didn't fall asleep as early as i would have wanted."

"You should take a nap babe, your first concert of the tour is tonight."

"I know, i'm sure i'll find a spare hour." I laughed.

"I have to go, i'm on my way to work, but i want you to call me before you go on stage!"

"I will, good luck on your first day!"

"Thanks J, i love you."

"I love you too babe. Have a good day." I said before hanging up the phone.

I dropped back on my bed and started thinking about how much i want Jess here with me. It would have been perfect for her to come for the whole tour. Now, i have so much to worry about and by the looks of things i have a new problem on my hands. Sam. I looked up and she was standing in the doorway on her phone.

"Uh, hey!" She said, looking up from her phone screen.

"Hey." I answered.

"Before the meet and greet, were heading out in the arena and taking a few pictures, is that cool with you?"

"Yeah, sure!" I answered, wondering about how that really would go.

"Cool! I'll see you in a bit!" She said, leaving and closing the door shut behind her.

I wasn't sure what to think about Sam, there's something so mysterious about her, i'm dying to know what it is. I don't want Jess to know about Sam, i know she'll get the wrong idea.

Jess's POV

I walked in through the doors of the Aquarium and the smell of salted water and fish filled my nose. I seen Emily walking towards me in a wet suit, with a big smile on her face.

"Hey!" She greeted.


"You ready to start?"


"Okay, follow me over here and we'll get you a wet suit and then i'll show you around!"


After getting dressed into my wetsuit and getting my tour of the aquarium Emily taught me how to properly feed the animals. I was fascinated by all the different rooms in this Aquarium. Everyone containing tanks of different fish. I always wanted to study Marine Biology when i was really young, and now it's finally like there's something good going on in my life.

"We're pretty much done for the day!" Emily said.

"Oh, okay!" I answered, stripping off my wetsuit.

"We're only open on Mondays & Wednesdays but any day you wanna come in and see the animals, here's your key!" She handed me a key.

"Thank you for everything Emily!" I said, putting my bag over my shoulder.

"Not a problem!"

"See you next monday?"

"See you then!" She smiled, tapping my shoulder.

I followed her out the door and locked the door shut behind me. I wanted to call Justin before his concert so i rushed home to do so.

"Hey babe!"

"Hey!" He answered.

"Are you getting ready for the concert?"

"Yeah, i'm going on stage in 10 minutes!" I could hear the chaos of the pre concert grind in the background of our conversation.

"Good luck okay, do good for the first night, babe!"

"Thanks!" He said, sounding excited.

"Call me after your show, i love you!"

"I love you too!" He said, hanging up the phone.

I could barely hear what he was saying over all the screaming and the beeping and yelling in the back of the conversation. If it's gonna be like this everyday the next few months are going to be hell.

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