Chapter 37

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Justin's POV

Mom and Ben were sat around me, looking startled. I don't blame them to be surprised. I was harsh on Jessica and i did feel bad about what i said but i just don't get why she'd do that. Her story didn't even convince me completely.

" What was that all about? " Ben asked looking concerned.

I shook my head not wanting to talk about it to either of them, " Nothing, she'll be home tomorrow. She's okay, that's all that matters i guess. " I answered, and began walking up the stairs.

Her room door was open, i decided to go in. I sat down on her bed and looked around. Her cell phone was on the floor, smashed. I fell to floor and picked it up, thinking of all possible ways of how this could have happened.

Worry came over me and suddenly, i felt sick to my stomach. What if something is really wrong with Jessica. It would make sense to why she left Bella.

I paced back and forth the room not knowing what to do. I threw the phone onto the bed, ran downstairs and grabbed the keys to my car and drove off to Stephanie's house.

Half hour later, i arrived at the house. I knocked on the door 3 times before Stephanie opened it.

" Hey! " She said happily. " What are you doing here? "

I stared at her blankly, something had to be wrong.

" Jessica. " I whispered.

" What? "

" Jessica? " I said louder, " Where is she? "

" I - I don't know, i haven't seen her in ages. "

I could feel my heart sink.
" Oh my god, " I whispered to myself. I ran over to the car and drove off again all within 20 seconds.

I felt tears in my eyes, but i couldn't cry. My body felt paralyzed, i couldn't think, speak or even concentrate on driving.

There was so many questions going through my mind. Where could she be? Is she ok? What happened to her? Why'd she lie to me? What the hell is going on? Is she going to be ok?

I shook my head and cringed at the thought that she could be hurt.

20 minutes of driving down where her old house was, it hit me.

" Ryan. " I said angrily, out loud.

Jess's POV

It was 2 am now, and we had finally stopped. I had no clue where we were to.

" Jessica? " Ryan asked sternly.

I popped my head up and looked over at him.

" Listen to me. Were at Chaz's house, i swear to god if you tell him anything or so much as give him the hint about what i'm doing i'll kill you with my own two hands. "

I nodded, and felt shivers shoot up my spine.

" Let's go. "

I walked over to the front porch, Ryan following closely behind me. I knocked on the door twice. There was no answer.

" It's almost 2:30 Ryan, he's asleep. "

" Shut up. " He answered saucily.

2 minutes later, Chaz opened the door wearing nothing but shirts.

" Ryan? " He asked squinting his eyes.

" Hey man! " Ryan said.

" What are you guys doing here? "

" We just got back from a party, mind if we crash here for a while? "

" Uh- yeah, sure. " Chaz answered sleepily.

We both walked in and sat on his living room couch. I was exhausted, i could fall asleep sitting up i was that tired.

Chaz came back with 2 pillows and a couple of blankets. " I hope you don't mind crashing on the pull out couch."

" Not at all! " Ryan answered quickly.

I rolled my eyes, and he gave me a stern and angry look. It scared me a lot but it walked over to the couch and laid down. I faced the opposite way, so i wasn't facing him. I pulled the blanket over my head and tried to catch some sleep.


I swear, it hasn't even been an hour since i fell asleep and i'm already being woken up. When i fully came to my senses, I shot up.

" What the fuck is wrong with you? " I heard that familiar voice yell.

It was Justin, standing in the doorway. Ryan was stood in front of him, keeping him from barging in.

" Where the fuck is she? " He yelled once more.

Ryan punched him in the stomach, and he stepped back coughing. Justin caught his breath and punched him back. I knew if i went over there Ryan would either scream in my face and tell me to step away or he would hit me.

Tears filled up in my eyes. They continued to fight eachother. Chaz came running down the stairs.

" The hell is going on? " He said, trying to break the fight.

Justin took another punch, I couldn't watch any longer. I couldn't stay there, whatever came over me, i shot up and ran over to them.

" Justin! " I yelled over Ryan's shoulder.

He looked at me, staring at me for a couple of seconds. I forgot how easy it was to get lost in his eyes. " Are you ok?" He asked.

I nodded, letting tears roll down my cheek.

" I'm gonna get you out of there. " He yelled.

I nodded once more, " I'm sorry. " I mouthed the words.

"Don't- " He began before he got cut off from Ryan hitting him in the jaw.

" Ryan! " I screamed. I kicked him and hit him with everything i had in me. Chaz continued to try to get him away. He was strong. " Ryan, stop it! " I yelled.

He turned around and coldly, slapped me across the face. It stung a lot, and I fell to floor. I pressed my hand against it to try and take the pain away, but i could feel it swelling. Justin called my name, and Ryan and him continued to hit eachother.
I was helpless, there was nothing I could do.

Chaz grabbed Ryan by the neck and pulled him back, finally getting him off Justin. He got out of his reach and ran over to me, where I was sitting on the floor.

" I'm so sorry Jess, I should have never let this happen to you. " He said, embracing me into a tight hug.

" No, i'm sorry. You have nothing to be sorry for. " I said squeezing him tightly.

" I should have never left you girls alone. "

" How is Bella, I was worried sick about her. He dragged me out of the house before i could call or do anything. " I answered, sobbing.

" She's fine, thank god. I was worried about you. "

" I love you Justin. " I whispered into his ear, not dare letting go of his arms.

" I love you too Jess. " He said ever so softy and gently. " I love you so much. "

I'm SO SORRY for not updating in a while. It's been a busy week for sure.
Please give me your votes:) and continue to comment your thoughts below.

Also xbiebersgal CHECK OUT HER FANFICTION it is new, but AMAZING she's a good friend of mine and her fanfiction is just awesome. so please do me a favour and read her story, also give her your votes aswell.

Thank you again so much and i should be updating again soon:))

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