Chapter 20

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I've been feeling horrible all day. Ever since 3 this afternoon i've been on the couch.
There was absolutely nothing on TV, i've read all my magazines over and over again, multiple times. I continue to flick through the boring sunday channels. Nothing but infomercials and re runs of old television shows.

I helped myself off the couch and walked over to the fridge to get a glass of orange juice. Once i finished drinking, i got some strawberries and Nutella and walked back over to the couch.

I nearly chocked on my strawberries, i threw the bowl off my lap and began to panic.

It's me, my water broke.

I stared down at my legs that were wet and the huge puddle of water that was on the couch.
So many things were running through my mind at once. It's happening, it's really happening.
I reached for the phone and dialed Justin's number immediately.

" Hello? "

" Justin! " I yelled into the phone.

" Babe? What's wrong? "

" My water Justin, it broke! " I yelled into the phone, with no patience what so ever.

" Jesus Jess, I'm on my way. "

And with that he hung up. I stood up and got the bag out of the baby's room. I threw a hoodie and gym pants into an over night bag, with my phone charger, camera and a tooth brush.
By the time i got my coat on and i was ready to go out the door, Justin rushed in.

" You ready? " He asked taking me by the arm and helping me out into the car.

I handed him my bag and i began to take deep breaths. I had to walk through the excruciating pain. The contractions have started, and Justin rushed down the road on our way to the hospital. He held my hand, trying to comfort me and calm me down, it wasn't working.
He was on the phone with my Dad and Pattie, letting them know what was going on.

" Yeah, we're on our way to the hospital, her water just broke. " He explained to my dad.

" Pattie and I are on our way! " I heard him say through the phone.

Once we arrived at the hospital Justin rushed in leaving me in the car and running into get a wheel chair. A nurse ran out with him and they both helped me in.
I began to yell louder, the pain was growing worse a worse.
I was sweating and i could feel my face turning red.

I was in a hospital bed now, Justin was sat in a chair by my side. I was hooked up to an IV machine. The doctor continued to check up on me and give me small updates on how i was doing.
It was late in the evening now, 10:30 and i was dropping tired. I decided to sleep through the pain and had a small cat nap.

11:15 i woke up and both Dad and Pattie were there now. I was still experiencing a lot of pain.
The doctor came in shortly after with a grin on his face, " Okay Jessica, it's time! "

He put on a mask and a white jacket, i began to feel nervous but excited at the same time. Justin squeezed my hand, "You got this Sis, " he said trying to comfort me.
It did upset that we still had to lie and not be able to tell the truth.

We were set to go and there were nurses all around me, " 1, 2, 3, push! " The doctor yelled.
I pushed with everything in me, and them again and 2 more times until finally i heard a cry.
I rested my head back on the pillow, and took deep breaths of relief. They held her up, and laid her on my chest.
The feeling was over whelming, almost too good to be true. I began to cry, she's beautiful. " Hello Bella, " i whispered kissing her small forehead.

Everyone in the room was crying, even Justin was fighting away some tears over in the corner. I smiled at everyone, then the nurses took her away to clean her up.

I laid back on the pillow feeling so light. I was filled with happiness and all i wanted to do was hold her tightly. She was finally here, i thought to myself. Finally.

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