Chapter 4: He comes

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~ Normal pov~

You set the table and got your (Favorite dinner) ready for two. You turn around and see Laughing Jack in his best. "Jack," you said blushing in embarrassment, "What on earth?" You facepalm yourself. "What," LJ he said shrugging, "You said to wash up." "Yeah, but I didn't meant in that way," you exclaimed," Rrr... No matter.. Just sit down."

It was just silence as you two ate. LJ finished before you did, "Thanks for supper. I'll go change.." You snicker, "You better." LJ left the room. All you can think of in your head was, Am I really falling for him?

You finished supper and got up to wash the dinner dishes and save what was left. You walk into the living room and see LJ sleeping on the floor. He was drooling in his sleep. Was he ever taught not to drool in his sleep, you thought. You kick him to wake him up. Instead of waking up, LJ banged his arm on the floor. Not the reaction you had in mind. You thought of another idea. You got on all fours, and brushed your finger on the bridge of his nose. Always works for one of your sisters.... Nope. LJ just itches his nose as if there was a bug on it. You finally did what you would do the least to wake someone up. You got close to LJ's face and tried to blow him awake, but before you can even get close to him, LJ grabbed hold of you and stayed there.

Great... Now you're stuck like this until he wakes up... "Ngh...," LJ groaned, "(Y/N)..." You blushed as he said your name in his sleep. Maybe you are falling for him, but yet again, maybe not. Feeling the warmth in LJ's arms, you started to doze off to sleep.

~ Laughing Jack's pov~

I open my eyes and see (Y/N) asleep. I smiled. Everything went well... well sort of... if I include all of the fights we kept having since we first met... I held her close to my chest, letting her listen to my shadowy heart beat as she slept safe, soundly, and peacefully.

That moment didn't last long. I kept having a bad feeling that someone's nearby. I kept thinking maybe it was Masky coming by to see how I was doing. Then I kept hearing noises, so I thought maybe it was EJ. After a while, that feeling had gotten to the point to where I knew who it was.

My eyes widened in fear. He's near, and he's after (Y/N). I remember Slenderman giving my some sort of message teleportion thing only to use in emergencies. Even though I might lose control, I had to use it to let him know he's near. Even though it took me a while to control myself, I manage to not at least scratch (Y/N). I held (Y/N) close to me. I don't want to lose her.

~Normal pov~

You didn't know how long you were asleep, but the next thing you know, Lj was waking you up. He had a worried look on his face. Like something has happened to him. "Is something the matter,LJ," you asked him. HE hugs you and helps you up. "I don't want to hurt you," he said in a sad tone, "But there is someone who is trying to."

You hugged him back comforting him. "You know I don't believe you," you told him, "But who ever is trying to hurt me, I can defend myself." He held you tightly like there was no tomorrow. Finally both you and LJ letted go of each other. LJ looked above you and started to have a worried look on his face. "(Y/N)," he cried, "Behind you!" You turned around, "Behind me?"

~Laughing Jack's pov~

(Y/N) turned around and came face to face with Zalgo, King of the Underworld. I was getting more worried by the minute. What got me was the (Y/N) turned back around with no reaction. "There's nothing behind me," she said to me.

"What," I said to myself, "But how is that possible? She's suppose to be-" I was interupted by Zalgo. "Aww... How sweet," he said in a starcastic tone, "LAughing Jack is protecting my lil girl until I came along. I do thank you for babysitting Zandela until I return." Zalgo laughed mocking me. I glared at him, Don't you dare touch her, and her name's (Y/N)." Zalgo just continued laughing, "Acting so tough, but yet still scared to move."

I ran toward him in teleportion, "You think I'm still scared because of one little death of a loved one?" Using all my strength, I tried to hit Zalgo, get him away from (Y/N). I get an uppercut from him on my shoulder blade. (Even though I don't have one.) I hit the floor face first.

"Laughing Jack," (Y/N) cried. She ran toward me. "Hang on. I'll get hel-" She jolted once she touched my shoulder. "Hahahaha. Such a weakling, you can't fight me. I'll go on and take what's mine thank you very much," Zalgo laughed. "You're the one who hurt LJ," (Y/N) can hear Zalgo. She turned around and got face to face with him. Finally a reaction from her.

"Yuck," she cried, "That is the most disgusting thing I've ever saw!" I got up, "That disgusting this is the one I was talking about. We got to run, (Y/N), he's too strong for me." (Y/N) nodded as we ran out the door.

"So, running from the enemy, are we, Laughing Jack," Zalgo mocked, "Such a coward. You're such a disgrace." We barely got to the door when (Y/N) started yelling at him, "Hey! How dare you say such mean things to LJ?!" I looked at her, "Idiot, why are you the one getting angry?! That's my job!" She didn't answered. She had a face as if she was mesmerized or something.

~Normal pov~

You started to smell something in the air. Such of sweet smell, you thought, the smell... as if... of... Zalgo appeared as human. "(Y/N)," LJ yelled, "Snap out of it!" LJ turned to Zalgo, "What kind of move is that?!"

Zalgo smirked, "Something I've een working on." He motioned his finger to you, "Come, Zandela. You shall soon become queen." You obeyed him. LJ tried to pull you away, but Zalgo's move was too powerful.

"(Y/N), stop," LJ cried, "He's manipulating you!" You started inching closer to Zalgo. "(Y/N), snap out of it," LJ tries to shake you out of Zalgo's possession, "(Y/N)!"

~Laughing Jack's pov~

Not good, not good, not good! (Y/N) is possessed by Zalgo. I tried everything to wake her up. She gets closer to Zalgo, I was about to give up. Before I could lose hope, a black tentacle slashed Zalgo, waking up (Y/N). "W-wha?" (Y/N) groaned. I turned to see who it was. Slenderman has answered my wanring and got here as fast as he could.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," he said as if he was a business man, "I had to get The Proxy together." Then coming from behind Slenderman was Masky, Hoody, and Ticci Tobi. I sighed in relief, "Thank god." Slendy turned to The Proxy, "Boys, get (Y/N) out of here and safe from Zalgo." The Proxy nodded, picked up (Y/N), and ran out of the house as while Slendy and I fight Zalgo off.

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