Chapter 7: Me? To the throne?

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~Normal pov~

You didn't know how long you blacked out, but the next thing you know, you were in the middle of nowhere surrounded with a lot of trees. You hear Zalgo's voice and feel a hand on your shoulder. "I see you have returned, Zandela," he said with a smirk, "Let us go home, and you shall soon be crowned queen." You started to freak out, "Okay, I don't know what you're talking about, but I think you got the wrong person, and my name is (Y/N)."Zalgo just chuckled, "No. I know I'm talking to the right person. I did name you Zandela. Your foster parents must've changed your name."

You broke free of Zalgo's grip and run off into the forest. It was so dark out, you couldn't see where you were going. Not even the light of the full moon was helping. You hit yourself against a tree. Noticing a note on the tree, you tried to tear it off to let Slenderman know where you are, only to pass out during the process. That bang from the tree really got to you. "There you are," Zalgo said catching up, "You must be real terrible in the game hide-n-seek. hehe. No matter. Let's go home, Zandela." You got back up and ran off, but your head was spinning. You wanted to just sit and rest, but Zalgo was right at your tail. Before you knew it, you started to hear a little static, and bumped into something.

That something catches you before you can pass out again. "Easy, (Y/N)," said a voice, "We're all right here." You look up seeing Slenderman with the Proxy. You looked behind seeing Zalgo attacked by Smile Dog and another creature. The creature had a slick dark gray body with long strands of black hair. It had what looked like a white mask with a lot of scars on it and hidden teeth. You hear Eyeless Jack at a distance, "Go get him, Seed!" Right after that you hear Jeff in a distance, "Get him, Smile, show him no mercy."

Laughing Jack finally caught up with the others noticing you in the process. "(Y/N)," he cried as he approached you holding you tenderly, "What happened to her?" "She's going through a head trama," Slenderman answered, "She must've hit one of the trees trying to escape from Zalgo." Laughing Jack cried on your shoulder not wanting you to disappear. Then all went black.

~Laughing Jack's pov~

(Y/N) had passed out in my arms. I couldn't help but cry. I glared at Zalgo, my eyes almost turning red. Zalgo disappeared before he could pass out of blood loss. Smile Dog and The Seed Eater went to track him down. "Let's get her home before she dies of blood loss," Slenderman exclaimed. I picked (Y/N) up in my arms. Smile and Seed went the opposing direction, making sure Zalgo isn't near the Slender Forest. I saw (Y/N)'s eye flutter open a little. She was still in pain. She weakly kissed me on the cheek before passing out again.

We got inside the house. Laila was the first to see what happened, "Oh my god. What happened?" "Zalgo was near, and (Y/N) is going through a head trama trying to escape from him," I told her. "Well, get her on the couch and I'll see what I can do," she replied.

I settled (Y/N) on the couch, went to my room, and locked the door. I sat down on the bed, and buried my face with my hands. Why does it have to be me? Making sure no one was around, I reached under my pillow, and pulled out a photo. It showed a woman about my height. Her matted rich brown hair fell to her shoulders almost covering one of her ocean blue eyes. She wore a one piece armor on herself.

I held the photo to my chest and started to cry again, ">>BLEEP<<" Once I got a hold of myself, I set the photo back, got out of the room and went downstairs. Laila had just finished bandaging (Y/N)'s head. I sat down on the arm of the couch. While everyone went off to bed, I leaned close to (Y/N), and kissed her head where she was hit.

~Killer DJ's pov~

Lai and I was assigned to keep an eye on (Y/N) while Slenderman, Laughing Jack, Jeff the killer, Eyeless Jack, and The Proxy cover the tracks from Zalgo. Smile Dog and The Seed Eater are still tracking him down just in case. It was just Lai and I in the house with (Y/N) in a coma on the couch.

I was listening to some of my music, and I heard a gasp. I turned to see (Y/N) waking up. "Lai," I called out, "(Y/N)'s awake." I rushed to (Y/N) to calm her down before she has a heart attack or something, "its okay, (Y/N), you're at the house. No need to spaz out. Easy with the breathing."

~Normal pov~

You slowly calmed down when you find Killer DJ by your side. "Where's LJ," you asked. "He's with Slenderman and the others. They'll be back soon."

"How long was I out?"

"About five days. Masky changed your bandages twice."

You hear a door open, and Slenderman's voice calling out, "DJ, Laila, we're back." DJ called out, "(Y/N)'s awake." LJ was the first to see you. He hugs you gently. The others came in shortly after that. "Slendy," you asked, "Can I have a word with you?" Slenderman nodded.

"You heard her," Hoody said pushing the others to their rooms. Masky stayed in case something happens to you two. Once everyone was gone, you started to explain to Slenderman and Masky what had happened, "When Zalgo found me, he kept calling me... 'Zandela'... He also told me that I was going to be crowned Queen. Why is he saying that to me only?" Slenderman and Masky were silent for a while. They turned to each other. Masky nodded letting Slenderman know that they should tell you. "Well," you asked.

"You are to be Zandela, daughter of Zalgo, King of the Underworld," Slenderman finally answered, "He left you with your family, so that you are raised by human hate. When the time finally came, he is coming to get you, and crowns you queen." Masky started to explain more for Slenderman, "If Zalgo gets a hold of you before we do, he'll use your power against us and use it to control both The Underworld and The Human world." Slenderman finished up, "Although we despise The Human world also, we think that is the most disrespectful thing he's ever trying to do."

You nodded understanding. You were basically the princess of a world you thought only existed on the internet. "Okay, guys," Masky called out, "You can come back in." Once everyone was downstairs, Laila and Eyeless Jack helped you up, and Smile Dog and The Seed Eater returned home. They lowered their heads in shame. They couldn't find Zalgo.

You went to them, petted Smile, and hugged Seed, "It's alright, you two. You tried."

"What now," Toby asked, "Zalgo's going to find this place sooner or later."

"I don't mean to be like this," Hoody said turning to Slenderman, "But I agree with Ticci Toby. If we stay any longer, (Y/N)'s going to be in more and more trouble." Slenderman thought about it for a while, then finally answered, "There is that one place we can goto, and keep (Y/N) safe at the same time." Masky was the first to realize. His eyes widened.

"Wait, you don't mean-" he started to stutter, "We get to see-" Slenderman slowly nodded. The Proxy jumped in delight and excitement. You started to worry, "W-wait, who we are seeing?" You see Laughing Jack smiling. He gave you a hug, "Don't worry, (Y/N), You'll love her."

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