Chapter 6: Life at the Forest

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 It has been several months since you came to this place. Everyone treated everyone like family, and you started to open up more to Laughing Jack. Every time he comes home, he'd give you a small gift of some sort or a small flower. Often times Jeff and Eyeless Jack would make fun of you two about it, but would get attacked by either Masky or Hoody for it. You never had this much fun since your Sweet 16. You had people who cared for one another... sort of, and you had forgotten what it was like to be alone.

LJ had come home early one night. You were the first to greet him. "Good evening, my lovely (Y/N)," he says smiling giving you a small white flower, "How are you this fine night?" You blushed accepting the flower, "Doing just fine, and thank you." Right on cue. You two hear Jeff and EJ in the dining room. "LJ and (Y/N) sitting in a tree. K-I-" This time you only hear Jeff screaming. You turned around seeing a white woman with black hair and eyes in a black dress, heels and pearls chasing Jeff with a knife.

"That's new," you said with a wtf look. LJ nodded, "Jane's at it again." You let LJ settle down, but he insisted on your company. He led you on to the front porch a while later. Both of you were sitting on the porch swing. You laid your head on LJ's shoulder as LJ gently pushed both of you with his feet. It was quiet with Smile Dog sleeping on the porch near the door steps.

"Sure is nice out," you said with a sigh. LJ agreed, "Yea... but not as nice as you are." You blushed looking at him. He blushes looking at you. There has to be something in the air. Something that brings you and Laughing Jack together. "(Y/N)," he called shyly. "Yea... Laughing Jack," You answered. Both of you started to slowly lean close to each other. LJ started to stutter, "I...I-I... ah-I..."

SO close... Lips touching, annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd~... "WE'RE RUINING YOUR MOMENT," yelled out both Jeff and EJ as they about to sit in between you two. They sat down as you looked away from the two in embarrassment, and LJ looks the opposing direction in frustration. A romantic moment. Ruined. By Jeff the Killer and Eyeless Jack. "Get lost you two," LJ yelled in frustration. Both Jeff and EJ yelled out, "NEVAH~!". Soon as they said that Masky came rushing out. "Leave those two alone," He screamed as he was running toward Jeff and EJ. Both the spoilers run over the swing and around the back of the house. Masky running right behind them.

Why, you thought, Just why? You notice LJ's arms starting to wrap around you. He kisses you on the head. "Haters these days," He said in frustration. You snickered in annoyance, "You think?" LJ lays you down on his lap as he continued swinging you two. You just wanted to fall asleep in his arms. Ever since you stayed here, it was like LJ had been gentle for you alone, but yet again that moment was ruined, when you two heard Hoody yelling in the house, "Toby, give me back my pills, you ignorant!" You hear LJ do a facepalm. "One moment, please, (Y/N)," He said exsausted. He got and went inside.

Smile Dog jolted awake when he heard all of the yelling in the house. Seeing you feeling lonely, Smile trotted up to you and laid down on your lap. "Smile," you asked, "Am I really falling for Laughing Jack?" Smile Dog tilted his head in agreement. You sighed in bafflement and frustration. You have a question you might not ever have an answer to. Smile Dog started to fall asleep. You started to doze off also when you heard a tune of the same song in your dreams. You got up and went to follow it.

~Laughing Jack's pov~

"And here's your stupid Ol' Captain Morgan's," I yelled to Jeff in frustration. Why does it have to be me? "Took you goddamn long enough," Jeff said with a slur. I figured out why Jeff and Ej was bothering both me and (Y/N) more than usual. They decided to get drunk. There was already eight bottles on the table, and they were getting worse by the minute.

"Now go on and make out with your fugly girlfriend," EJ slurred waving his hand in a shoo-shoo motion. I rolled my eyes annoyed, "(Y/N) ain't fugly." The conversation tured into a full out argument.

"Let's see here."

"Eyes that have a weird shade of color..."

"Clothes that make her look like she came from the streets..."

"and hair that looks like she hadn't brushed it for months.."

"What do you call that I wonder.."

"oh wait-"

"We know~"


I interrupted them, "Oh said from two guys who can't keep a relationship for more than two months."

Jeff snapped, "Hey! She left me, okay?!"

I snapped, "Then forget about her and move on with someone else! I'm sure she will understand. Where ever she is!"

Jeff pulled out his knife, "Don't you make come up there and put you to-" Jeff was interrupted by Smile Dog barking. Everyone rushed outside.

There was nothing outside. "Smile, what is it, boy," Slenderman asked. (Y/N) was nowhere in sight. Masky sensed something wrong and said the words we all dread to hear. "He Comes." My eyes widened, "(Y/N)." We all split up to look for her. We got to get her home and fast. I went with EJ since he has the highest sensitivity I know.

We ran into The Seed Eater in the process. "Seed," EJ called, "We need your help. Zalgo's near, and a friend on LJ's is missing. Go ahead of us and look for her. Even if it means attacking Zalgo in the process." The Seed Eater nodded and ran off into the forest.

Sweet Innocent Heart (Laughing Jack x Reader) {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now