Part Seven- Professor Boggart

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In the morning I was the first up and living in an abandoned house full of snakes had taught me to be quiet enough that I wouldn't wake anyone even if I was being my version of noisy. I even snuck past Pansy, who was snoring like a chainsaw. I chuckled a little at that and then changed into my robes, tying the Slytherin; green and silver tie in place and then picking Sthyss up, shoving him unceremoniously in my bag and deserving the angry spitting it got me. I opened and closed the door silently, without even the slightest sound and walked slowly but surely up to the great hall, hoping that I wasn’t too early for breakfast.

My stomach growled angrily, making me wish that I’d eaten more last night as I reached the hall, there was toast and bacon and eggs and cereal. And as I sat down at the Slytherin table I helped myself to a bowl of cornflakes and a piece of toast, I had noticed this morning that the left over nausea had gone completely and I was feeling more energetic and most importantly less tired. No-one showed up after half an hour and I decided that I must have gotten up really early.  I looked up at the ceiling and noticed that there were clouds inside, I hadn't noticed it before; it was amazing, the way the sun seemed to glint through it just like it was outside. “It’s a start I suppose.” Sthyss had woken up and was peering out of the top of my bag.
It’s beautiful.” I smiled at him and then up at the ceiling. “I wish I knew what it -
Someone’s coming!” He interrupted me and I stopped speaking, instead I put my head down and dug into my cornflakes. I looked up a little and saw through my hair the girl who had been sitting with Harry, she had blonde-brown hair and her robes looked new. She sat down and put a piece of toast on her plate, spreading it with jam before she noticed me. She looked at me, but didn’t notice me looking at her and I continued watching as she stood and came over to where I sat and put her stuff down opposite me. “Um… It was really nice of you, shutting Malfoy up last night at the feast.” She sat watching me as I looked up and smiled.
“Oh, that’s alright; he was being a bit of a plonker.” I justified myself and she looked over the table, she saw my books and frowned.
“You’re taking Arithmancy?” she asked her eyebrows pushed together closely.
“I’m… um yeah, I had to catch up for the first two years of school last week and apparently I did a good enough job that Dumbledore said I could study the extra-”
“Wait, you caught up for two years of school in a week?”
“Um yeah I have photographic memory so… yeah.” I felt so uncomfortable at her disbelieving stare that squirmed a little, pulling my hair further over my wound so that she wouldn't notice.
She sat back and sighed. “So you’re just doing Arithmancy?” she asked.
“I'm also taking Muggle Studies and Ancient Runes.” I smiled at her as I took another mouthful of cereal.
“I am too.” She said finally.
I laughed and put down my spoon. “I'm glad I’m not the only crazy person here.”
“How are you getting to all your classes though, I presume that you’re doing all thirteen subjects?”
I frowned, and her excited look left her face briefly.
“I’m doing it without class time,” I said waiting for her reaction. I was positive that she would be going to every single class and I felt bad admitting that I was doing all the work without classes; looking at it now it seemed weird that professor Dumbledore had offered it in the first place.
“Oh… but you’re going to normal classes right?” She asked.
“Of course.” I grinned and she finally seemed to relax and took a bite of her toast. We munched away in silence for a few minutes and finally I worked up the nerve to speak, “So is Draco always like that?” I asked her.
“Yeah, he can be…” I had the feeling she had stopped herself from saying something else entirely. “Annoying.” She concluded finally. I smiled.
“He’s a git.” I said for her and she scoffed.
“I can tell you now that you’re the only person in Slytherin who thinks so.” Smirking she took another bite just as another student walked through the doors.
“Oh right.” Harry’s friend exclaimed suddenly, bringing me back to our conversation.
“I can’t believe I didn’t… well I suppose… My name’s Hermione.” She held out her hand and I shook it briefly.
“Imogene.” I introduced myself.

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