Part Twenty Seven- The Faulty Patronus

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“Alright Imogene, if you would care to show me how you would deal with this Hinkypunk.” I lifted my wand and directed it at the small purple and brown creature, I concentrated very hard on the spell and just as I was about to speak it the streak of blue light I’d been expecting shot the creature in its bulbous, protruding stomach.
“Did you mean to do that?” Professor Lupin asked astounded.
“I wish the answer was yes.” I muttered, surprised at myself, Professor Lupin’s eyebrows had disappeared into his hair and he turned to inspect the Hinkypunk which had stopped its gruesome jig and was curled over clutching at its stomach. It appeared that I had successfully managed to cast a spell without the use of an incantation, something that I’d obviously seen a teacher do without realising it because I hadn’t done it knowingly.
“Well you gave it a stomach ache that I'm not going to be able to get rid of for another week so I think you successfully defeated him.”
“What’s next?” I asked enthusiastically, We’d started over an hour ago and weren’t really working through the books I'd read in any real chronological order, I would cast a spell from a third year book and then one from a fifth year book and then a book that wasn’t even school related. 
“Patronus.” Lupin said quietly, he had turned from me and I frowned, something sounded wrong.
“Are you alright Professor?” I asked.
“I’m fine Imogene; just if you can’t do this don't be disappointed, it’s very advanced.”
Ready…. Set… go. I thought very hard about the happiest memory I had ever had and let it wash over me. It was the memory of when I’d found Sthyss in the Shrieking Shack, it was for that moment all that I had in me. I let it burst forth and muttered. “Expecto Patronum.” I didn’t feel the need to shout and a stream of silvery light began to change from wispy smoke into something more substantial. It was a glittering globe that kept shifting, like it couldn’t decide what it wanted to be, I thought I caught a glimpse of a snake, and then a dog and then a wolf, but it kept fitfully shifting between the three until I prudently released the spell- upset that I’d almost managed but not quite.
I stood frowning at the place where the misty figure had just disappeared until I felt Professor Lupin’s eyes on me.
“That doesn’t happen often.” He told me, walking closer to me and I sat back on the floor. I couldn’t understand why it wouldn't be a snake, which was what it should have been surely- what with my family and my inclination to snakes, and the fact that my animagus form was a snake.
“There is something wrong with me isn't there?” I asked him quietly.
“There isn't anything wrong with you Imogene.” Professor Lupin chuckled, I frowned up at him and he sat down next to me still smiling. “You simply haven’t managed to fully form a Patronus yet, there’s something undecided about it.”
“Why isn't it a snake though?” I voiced my thoughts, staring at the wand in my hand.
“Maybe you aren’t who you think you really are, maybe there’s something in your head that you aren’t even aware of yet that’s influencing the shape or un-shape of your patronus.” He explained and I shook my head.
“But even my animagus form is a snake,” I told him and he shrugged.
“I don't know then- it could be anything.” He said mildly exasperatedly. He stood and offered a hand to me, helping me to my feet, “Don't let this get you down Imogene, this is just one spell- every other one I’ve had you do you executed perfectly.” He was complimenting me but I was beginning to understand the term ‘Perfectionism’ through experience.
“I just thought that I wouldn't find this too hard.” I said, sighing I placed my wand on the teacher’s desk and rubbed my eyes wearily, the Professor looked tired as well and he looked at the clock.
“I think we had best call it a night.” He lifted his wand and put all the desks back were they belonged and away from where he had had me stack them against the edges of the classroom.
“Professor, did you want me to go to Professor Snape about the next full moon?” I asked as I collected my wand up and stowed it away in my jeans. He turned and looked thoughtful for a moment before answering.
“Uh… I think that you should but I might come with you, I could do with making sure that there’s enough Wolfsbane left for me and I hate to admit it but I fear that you wouldn't get very far With Professor Snape if you went alone.”
“Thanks Professor.” I smiled and headed to the door.
“Goodnight Imogene, and don't let that spell bother you.” He called as I shut the door behind me.

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