Part Nineteen- Failure

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Defence Against the Dark Arts was almost as bad as Potions but for completely different reasons. Professor Lupin still had marks from the great gashes I’d made in his face and neck and like mine, his clothes hung loosely around his already thin frame. On top of the guilt he was watching me like a hawk, obviously Madame Pomfrey had told him to keep an eye on me, luckily we were learning about Kappas today and I’d read over that section of the textbook only a few days ago so it was fresh in my mind.

“Can anyone tell me where the kappa can be found?” Lupin asked, and as usual the question was met by mine and Hermione’s hand. He chuckled weakly and I felt even worse.

“Go on then Hermione tell us.” he said exasperatedly.

“A kappa is a water demon that’s found in the Lochs of higher Scotland, it needs the cold water to keep it cool otherwise they…”

“They explode.” I finished for her and she looked at me and obviously wasn’t very impressed. The Slytherins all snickered I glanced over my shoulder at them and a few of them shut up- Malfoy being one of them. I was too confused about the reaction of my peers to really focus on the lesson and I think it wasn’t just Hermione who noticed, even when the homework was assigned at the end of the lesson I didn’t really pay attention to what it was, other than an essay that had to be written on Kappas due in on Monday, there was an assorted rumbling through the class what with this weekend being the Hogsmead trip and Halloween. Which reminded me as I walked out, “Hey Harry did you manage to get McGonagall to sign you’re permission slip?” I asked interested, if he wasn’t going I might finally be able to talk to him alone.

“No, she said that because she’s not my parent or guardian that she couldn’t,” he sounded miserable.

“Well at least it’s Halloween.” I said encouragingly but it did nothing for his mood.

“Don't worry mate,” Ron interjected, “We’ll bring you back some stuff.” He promised again Harry didn’t seem to brighten up at all.

“You won’t be missing much Harry,” Hermione assured him.

“Yeah Harry I'm sure that Honeydukes and Zonko’s will be rubbish anyway.” I elbowed him in the ribs and Hermione did the same.

“Ouch! What was that for?”

“Just shut up Ron.” Hermione whispered, not that Harry didn’t hear.

We reached the stairs and I was about to follow them when I realised that I was going the wrong way.

“I’ll see you guys later.” I waved and then made my way down as they ascended the staircases.

The commons were empty save a few people as most had gone outside to spend some time in the recently emerged sun before it disappeared.

I went upstairs and deposited most of my books before picking up Sthyss who was still coiled up under my covers and went downstairs. The long green leather couch was empty and there were only two other people in the commons so I set Sthyss down on my stomach and took out my parchment and a quill, placing the ink pot on the table close enough that I could reach it while lying down. After forty five minutes I had my three page essay for History of Magic finished, completely proof read and ready four days before it was due. I half way through my Defence Against the Dark Arts essay on ways to capture and repel Kappas when someone cleared their throat above me. I moved my parchment out of the way and looked across at Draco Malfoy whom I hadn’t noticed sit down on the opposite couch.

“Hello Draco.” I said pleasantly, sitting up and smiling.

“Help me with my essay,” He said seriously and my eyebrows shot up. “Please?” He added nervously. I took the parchment from him and read the introduction he had written so far. “Since when did you start doing your homework the day you get it?” I asked as I read, it wasn’t so bad he just waffled a lot.

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