Part Twenty Eight- Sick

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“You know that it’s only going to get worse don’t you?” I asked Harry as I sat next to him. There were only maybe five people at breakfast and it was unnerving that there were so few people at the four massive house tables. Upon seeing them I’d decided that I would sit with Harry, Hermione and Ron.
“You mean the Dementors?” He asked dully and I nodded. “Professor Lupin agreed to help me with them; he said that he’d teach me to fight them.” Harry explained, attempting to push his messy hair out of his eyes.
“Patronus’ aren’t easy Harry, you do realise that.” I told him and he frowned up at me, breaking his ravenous gaze from his plate.
“Patro-what?” I couldn’t help but smile at his confused expression.
“It’s how you fight Dementors, they’re sort of like an ethereal embodiment of happiness and the dementor feeds off it rather than you.” I explained and Hermione nodded knowingly.
“They’re really advanced magic,” she inputted and Harry suddenly looked very determined.
“I know- but I have to be able to fight them, otherwise we’ll never win the Quidditch cup.” His voice had gone cold and I gathered that he was really really not so keen on Dementors.
“I’m sure you’ll do fine Harry.” Attempting to assure him I smiled warmly and then took a sip of water; Professor Snape had been right I was feeling the beginnings of the cycle earlier, and I hated to think what I’d be like tomorrow considering that I'd only taken the potion an hour ago.
“Imogene?” Hermione asked and I looked up to her, her eyes flicked up towards the Staff Table every so often and I spotted what- or rather whom she was glancing at.
“Yeah?” I replied.
“Would you mind coming up to the commons and helping me with something- if you’re finished that is.” She gestured to my untouched and pretty much empty plate and I smirked.
“Yeah sure.” I replied and stood and saying goodbye to the boys, Hermione and I set off towards the Gryffindor commons; I however couldn’t help but notice that she was looking troubled.
“We’re alone; you can tell me what’s wrong now.” I said with an easy smile as we reached the end of a corridor- by the One-eyed Witch as a matter of fact. Hermione’s mass of brown hair flew around as she looked for anyone and then she looked at me.
“Have you noticed anything… strange about Professor Lupin?” She asked and I frowned- internally panicking- she knew I was an Animagus but she didn’t know about either Lupin or me being werewolves and I intended to keep it that way.
“No, why do you ask?”
“Nothing at all?” She asked again and I forced a laugh, trying to keep myself calm.
“Oh dear, then perhaps-” She was looking confused, but it was obvious she had concocted some sort of theory.
“Just say it Hermione.” I sighed in mock exasperation and she pursed her lips.
“I think that Professor Lupin’s a werewolf.” She whispered.

I allowed myself to look shocked- she would think it was out of disbelief, not at the fact that I was panicking.
“You think he’s what?!” I inquired again; I was giving myself a headache and when I checked her face she seemed pretty set upon her thesis. “Hermione there’s no way Professor Lupin could be a Werewolf.” I told her- waiting to see just how much she’d pieced together.
“But, Imogene you have to have noticed- he is always missing at full moons, he is sick three days before and after the full moon-”
“Hermione he isn't missing every full moon because for the last four weekends he’s been testing me- on the night of the full moon as well.” I hurriedly told her, lying through my teeth- only regretting it a bit.
“Are you sure?” She asked sounding dubious.
“I’m positive and I don't forget things remember- I know what date the full moon was on.” I didn’t need to pretend to be thinking. “What if I keep an eye on Professor Lupin- just in case?” I suggested, “I mean maybe now that you’ve put the idea in my head I might notice something.”
“Would you?” She asked and I nodded.
“I don't think that he’s a werewolf Hermione because I am sure that I saw him last full moon, but I suppose it is a bit strange how he’s always missing.” I smiled if not a little weakly, my head was pounding like there was a sledgehammer inside desperately trying to smash its way out none too delicately.
“Thanks Imogene.” Hermione sounded a little relieved and her eyes weren’t quite as wild as they had been looking as we had walked this way.

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