Part Twenty- Hallowe'en

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I was walking back to Slytherin commons alone, Harry had gone off to see Hagrid and I didn't know what it was about him; but Hagrid put me on edge- so I’d made some excuse that I needed to finish Potions homework.

The commons had been cleaned thoroughly and there were four people sat in the corner, just chatting quietly to themselves- all of them were Second Years. I ignored their curious stares and walked up the small light of stairs to collect Sthyss. “Are you coming- I’m going up to the astronomy tower into the sun, I -” I had just shut the door behind me when I looked up and Sthyss was waiting for me.

You wanted to find out information on Voldemort so you went to the boy?” He sounded angry.

I don't see how that’s any of your problem.” I muttered.

It’s my problem because you’ve begun to manipulate people Imogene. The Slytherins at the dinner table the other day- and now Harry Potter.” He must have been following me.

I didn’t manipulate Harry; I realised that he wouldn't know what I want to find out.

You know why I don't want you behaving like this.

Behaving like what?! I'm doing this because I want to know more about Voldemort and my family and you won’t tell me!

He lowered his body and his eyes closed, my head was starting to pound and I took his backing down as an indication to do the same, I took a deep breath and tried again.

Sthyss, do you want to come up to the astronomy tower with me?” I asked, leaving our problems unresolved was becoming a massive thing between us.

Yes.” He answered calmly and I lifted him gently around my shoulders and carried him out, shutting the door to the dorms behind me.

I had been right to assume that the astronomy tower would be sunny; I opened my books and laid them out around me in a circle, the sun making their pages glow like candles.

It’s been a long time since we have spent time together.” Sthyss commented lightly as I turned the page of Moste Potente Potions, from reading the pages I couldn’t understand why Professor Snape hadn’t wanted to lend me a copy. But that was just Professor Snape wasn’t it?

I sighed, I was bored and I needed something to keep me occupied, and at that moment those books weren’t cutting it. I closed the three books and put them into my bag, and leant against the railing, the sun was still high up and the railing was cool from the chilly wind, the combination was pleasant. My back was sore and I clicked it and scratched in discomfort, I was shivering and sighed, the injuries I’d sustained were finally beginning to impact on me.

Your back is sore.” Sthyss said and I nodded.

Yes, it’ll be fine though, I really just need to get used to the scales. I’m sorry for what I’ve been doing, I shouldn’t have been… like Voldemort really.” I hissed back.

So you’ve acknowledged it then.” He said, and I nodded.

For that brief moment it felt that I was doing the right thing- it felt so natural.” I whispered.

Then you are becoming more like him than I feared then.” He told me and I looked away as he coiled around the railing next to me.

You know that I don't mean to,” I muttered.

You should be more careful.” His lack of compassion was snake-like.

Maybe if you told me things I woul-

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