Part Fourteen- The Ancestral Centre

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 Lupin walked in behind me and shut the door. “I'm sorry if I interrupted your study, I wasn’t sure if you’d gotten the note.” He explained smiling and sitting opposite me.

“It’s okay. I’ve read it all anyway, the study was more for Hermione than myself.” I clarified and he lifted an eyebrow.

“You’ve read through just Ancient Runes; or read through everything?”

“Almost everything, Ancient Runes was easy because I enjoyed it so much.” I responded, it sounded as if I was showing off and I felt uncomfortable.

 “I really should be giving you more homework then shouldn’t I?” Professor Lupin asked and smiled, I wasn’t sure what to say to that, I would like more homework but at the same time I wasn’t sure how that would make me appear to my fellow students so I just shrugged.

He narrowed his eyes and leant forward.

“What’s on your mind?” He asked.

“Nothing,” I responded quickly, he caught something because his left eyebrow lifted gently.

“If you're sure,” he returned hoarsely, I merely frowned. I wasn’t quite sure how much I could tell anyone, especially a teacher- even if that teacher was a werewolf.

“We should talk about the full moon.” He suggested and I nodded in agreement.

“Professor Dumbledore thinks it may be a good idea for us-”

“Us?” I interrupted suddenly and he smiled.

“You didn’t think that Professor Dumbledore would just let a young werewolf run around the grounds-”

“But you said that the potion keeps me- well; me.” I said mildly.

“It does,” he assured me calmly, “But what would you think if you were another student and saw a werewolf running around the grounds?”

“I understand that; but how does my age affect…” I left the sentence open for him to explain himself.

“As a younger person you are more likely to make a mistake, that’s all I meant.” He clarified quietly, I didn’t agree with him but I didn’t have an option; the subject seemed firmly closed.

“As I was saying,” one side of his mouth curled up and he leant his elbows on the table, “the headmaster thinks it would be a good idea for us to go to a secluded space during the full moon.” My ears listened but I wasn’t paying too close attention to Professor Lupin, I was busy concentrating on something outside the door, namely Sthyss, who was still in my bag on the landing, I wanted to say sorry- I couldn’t have cared less about the full moon.

“Imogene?” Professor Lupin asked and I pulled my attention back, he was looking disapprovingly at me over the instrument strewn desk and scrutinised me as I sank back further into the chair.

“I'm sorry Professor, I just…” I tried for a lie but I couldn’t, it seemed I was having an early life crisis, I floundered visibly for a few moments then sighed, he was still pensively watching me, waiting for me to explain myself.

“Sthyss and I had a fight.” I began, and he frowned. “It’s not often that we argue about anything and well this is kind of important.”

“So there was something on your mind.” He offered and I agreed with a nod.

“Sthyss has always told me everything and now there’s something I want…. Something I need to know.”

“And this thing,” He probed softly, “Does anyone else know.”

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