Part Thirty Two- A trip to Hogsmead

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“Ah and Miss Hydrus.” Snape sneered down at me. “I’m sure you can explain this in some convoluted and probably highly rehearsed-”


“… what do you mean ‘no’?” He asked, obviously vexed by my interruption of his highly rehearsed speech.

“I mean, Harry was meant to meet me in the Library so I could help him with his Vampire essay for Professor Lupin.” I adopted a frustrated and annoyed expression and by Snape’s raised eyebrow and as he turned to face Harry his sneer was redirected as well. I internally sighed in relief and stared imploringly at Harry, begging him to play along, he caught on and Neville just stared on obliviously, looking absolutely petrified of Snape- who apparently and quite probably hadn’t forgiven him for the whole Boggart incident.

“Were you aware of this Potter?” Snape hissed, his jaw clenched tightly.

“Yes, I was, in fact I was just heading there when I bumped into Neville.” He answered too quickly and I could have hit him, he’d ruined my ruse and Snape was onto us.

“If you’re working on your essay then where is your bag?” He asked cruelly. I stepped in.


“Quiet Hydrus.” He snapped at me and I glared at him. I didn’t mind interrupting people, I was severely annoyed however when someone interrupted me.

“I must have left my bag back in the Commons,” he floundered, I spotted his eyes flick behind him and guessed that he’d put his bag in the Statue his back was facing.


“Yes.” Harry rebutted impertinently, I sighed- he was not helping things by being bitter, mind you neither was I really. Neville was still just standing there silently whimpering.

“Professor, we really should be going. We’ll see you later Neville.” I dragged Harry off and left Neville with Snape, something I felt bad for doing but didn’t feel I had much choice in doing.

I didn’t look back.

“Thank you.” Harry said gratefully once we’d turned the corner. I let go of his hand and smiled my reply.

“You left your bag in the passage?” I asked and he nodded.

“Hermione told you?” He presumed aloud and I returned the nod.

“Yeah, I saw Snape and figured that you could do with saving.” The corners of my lips dragged up into a smile again.

“Thanks.” He repeated and retook my hand in his, for a second I was about to tug it away but I saw the look on his face and blushed, his face reddened considerably too and he let go. Internally I sighed in relief.

“We should wait for a minute before going back; no doubt Snape will be checking the statue.” I recommended, stuffing my hands in my pockets in an attempt to prevent it from happening again.

“We?” He asked and I laughed quietly.

“You didn’t think I was going to let you go into Hogsmead without me did you?” I smiled and then realised how pushy I sounded. “That is if you don’t mind.” I quickly tried to sound less like a Slytherin.

“It’d be cool, though you’ll have to be careful under the invisibility cloak.” Harry said and I smiled at him again.

“Cool,” I peered around the corner and Snape had gone. “Wanna run for it?” I asked jovially.

“Sure.” He replied and I peered around the corner again before stepping out.

Harry tapped the hump of the witch with his wand and muttered the word ‘Dissendium’ and only seconds later we were thumping down the passage, bags in hand and Sthyss who had turned up again behind me was curled up and around my body, his head perched up by my ear.

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